By keeping the PIP under 20 cm H 2 0 , using low PEEP, and I. Carl\on KI'. Charhon RC. Charhon IICiA. ,Zd:ini\ M'L: 1951 'Ihc elkct of dccrea\ing the amount of lung tis\uc on the right \cntricular pressure in anini;ils. J 1horac Surg 2 1:621-63? 2. Borclli ...
IPPV was produced by a MV-10 (Bio-Medical, Stanford, CT) pediatric pressure and time cycled ventilator. Respiratory rate and inspiratory:expiratory ratio were kept at 30 breaths/min and I:2, respectively. Peak inspiratory pressure was adjusted (range 5-9 em H20) to allow for normocapnea. ...
To avoid time effects in our findings, the order of PEEP was randomized within a set of recordings. However, the three different lung volume readings were always performed in the same sequence. None of the measurements techniques required altering the ventilation pressures beyond the normal range....