PEEP is of greatest use in ARDS and generated by attaching an airflow threshold resistance device to the expiratory port of the non-rebreathing valve of a manual or mechanical ventilator, allowing a ↓ of airway pressure to a plateau level Conventional PEEP Pressure is maintained at 5-20 cm ...
(1) a PEEP level of 12 cm H2O with alveolar recruitment maneuvers performed after endotracheal intubation, which were repeated every hour after any disconnection from the mechanical ventilator and before the end of surgery (high level of PEEP group) or (2) a PEEP level of 4 cm H2O (low ...
The influence of the PEEP level was investigated on bacteriology and histology in a model of ventilator-associated pneumonia. Subjects Nineteen New Zealand rabbits. Interventions The animals were mechanically ventilated with a positive inspiratory pressure of 15cmH 2 O and received either a zero end-...
This randomized trial compares the effects of ventilator lung recruitment using PEEP titration vs a conventional low-PEEP strategy on 28-day mortality in
In this study, ventilator-driven alveolar lung recruitment will be performed using the incremental PEEP method with the target PEEP set at 20 cmH2O and the target Ppeak set at 40 cmH2O. Individualized PEEP will be obtained by Cstat titration in obese patients. The effect of iPEEP on perioper...
On each level of PEEP, ABGs will be collected and evaluated. Optimal PEEP is considered as the PEEP value resulting the highest possible Cstat measured by the ventilator. After the PEEP titration procedure, lung-protective mechanical ventilation will be performed using optimal PEEP and low tidal ...
5 Why anaesthetists are reluctant to use PEEP remains speculative, but is most likely linked to the shorter duration of mechanical ventilation, limitations of the ‘bag in the bellow’ ventilator and circle system, and most importantly, the fact that most patients come to the operating theatre ...
However, assuming the mortalities attributable to ventilator-induced lung injury is 10% would indicate that all deaths due to ventilator-induced lung injury "would need to be avoided by using the esophageal pressure-guided PEEP titration compared with the empirical high PEEP-FIO2 table," they noted...
9. PSM分析:维生素C+皮质激素+维生素B1对严重肺炎的疗效 Combined vitamin C, hydrocortisone, and thiamine therapy for patients with severe pneumonia who were admitted to the intensive care unit: Propensity score-based analysis ...
score). The investigators stopped using the maneu- vers after the first 80 patients because the “subse- quent mean increase in arterial oxygenation was small and transient.” Is it correct, however, to assess the validity of this decision simply on the basis of a ...