暂无简介 文档格式: .pdf 文档大小: 18.81M 文档页数: 288页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 3 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 通信/电子--电子电气自动化 系统标签: krstickokotovicnonlinearadaptivedesigncontrol Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design_Krstic and Kokotovic_1995,, ...
In this research, we viewed the robust adaptive control problem as a combination of a robust identifier (estimator) and a robust control-law redesign algorithm. Current robust control design methodologies, such as the LQG/LTR methodology,[7], [8], [lo], require: 1) a nominal model, ...
Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design豆瓣评分:0.0 简介:Using a pedagogical style along with detailed proofs and illustrative examples, this book opens a view to the largely unexplored area of nonlinear systems with uncertainties. The focus is on adapti
A nonlinear adaptive robust control design for robotic systems under time-varying parameter perturbation and external disturbance Many control strategies have been proposed to compensate for uncertainties of robotic system, where the uncertain parameters are assumed to be constant. Ho... Y Yin,Y ...
这本书是 Krstic 在1995年出版的关于Back-stepping Control Method的经典图书,此资源是影印本,不过不存在内容缺失。
Using a pedagogical style along with detailed proofs and illustrative examples, this book opens a view to the largely unexplored area of nonlinear systems with uncertainties. The focus is on adaptive nonlinear control results introduced with the new recursive design methodology--adaptive backstepping. De...
This chapter proposes a new model-following adaptive control design technique for nonlinear systems that are nonaffine in control. This adaptive controller uses online neural networks that guarantee stability in the presence of unmodeled dynamics (neglected nonlinear terms in the mathematical model) and/...
Nonlinear and Adaptive Control Design. New York: Wiley, 1995. Google Scholar [9] Jain S, Khorrami F. Decentralized adaptive control of a class of large-scale interconnected nonlinear systems. IEEETrans Autom Control, 1997, 42: 136-157. CrossRef Google Scholar [10] Wen C Y, Soh Y ...
and an adaptive sliding mode control design using RBFNN(Radial Basis Function Neural Network) and disturbance-observer is subsequently developed, where a RBFNN approximator is designed to approximate and compensate modeling uncertainties, and a disturbance-observer is designed to estimate and compensate ...
Applied nonlinear control/Jean-Jacques E. Siotine, Weiping Li p. em. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 0-13-040890-5 1, Nonlinear control theory. I. Li, Weiping. II. Title. QA402.35.S56 1991 90-33365 629.8312-dc20 CIP Editorial/production supervision and interior design: JENNIFER ...