Sastty S,Isidori A.Adaptive control of nonlinear systems.IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 1989Sastty S,Isidori A. Adaptive control of nonlinear systems[J].IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,1989,(11):1123-1131.doi:10.1109/9.40741.Sastty S,Isidori A.Adaptive control of nonlinear systems....
Adaptive control of nonlinear systems: a tutorial. Workshop notes of 1994 American Control Conference, edited by P. V. Kokotovic and I. Kanellakopoulos; also to appear in the IMA Volumes on Mathematics and Its Applications - ' Adaptive control, ltering and signal processing', K.J. Astrom, ...
In the last few years, adaptive control of nonlinear systems has emerged as an important area of research, with possible applications in areas as diverse as robotic systems, electric motors, chemical processes, and automotive suspensions. Many of the existing results employ design methods and proof...
Based on backstepping design, a novel adaptive control scheme is proposed for a class of nonlinear strict feedback systems with unmodeled dynamics and unknown time-varying delays. The neural networks are used to approximate the unknown continuous functions. An available dynamic signal is introduced to...
This paper deals with the adaptive output feedback control problem of a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with an unknown non-symmetric dead-zone nonlinearity. The nonlinear system considered here is dominated by a triangular system without zero dynamics satisfying polynomial growth in the unmeasurab...
Adaptive Finite-Time Control of Nonlinear Systems Yiguang Hong1 Hua O. Wang2 Linda G. Bushnell Dept. of Elec. Eng. University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Eng. Duke University, Durham, NC 27708Abstract In this paper, global adaptive ?nite-time control problems...
Adaptive control Nonlinear control Sampled-data system Parametric uncertainties View PDFReferences Astolfi and Ortega, 2003 Astolfi A., Ortega R. Immersion and invariance: a new tool for stabilization and adaptive control of nonlinear systems IEEE Trans. Automatic Control, 48 (4) (2003), pp. 590-...
Observer-Based Adaptive Neural Control for a Class of Nonlinear Non-affine Systems with Unknown Gain Sign - ScienceDirect This paper presents an adaptive neural network output feedback controller for a class of uncertain SISO nonlinear non-affine systems. Since the system stat... Mohammad M. Are...
The objectives of this research work are to develop direct and indirect adaptive control strategies for discrete-time nonlinear systems and to investigate the applicability of the proposed schemes to adaptive tracking control of a flexible-link manipulator. The first problem considered is indirect adaptiv...
Recently, observer-based adaptive fuzzy backstepping output feedback controllers have been developed in our works [26], [27] for SISO uncertain strict-feedback uncertain nonlinear systems, but the proposed adaptive control approaches did not consider the problems of the nonlinear systems with time ...