编译自: 1. https://bpsbioscience.com/nk-cell-expansion-kit-78927 2. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.802906
Therefore, coculture systems of irradiated feeder cells and NK cells in media containing IL-2 and IL-15 have been developed to generate large numbers of NK cells, although NK cell expansion protocol using anti-CD3 antibody (OKT-3) without feeder cells has also been developed. Commonly used ...
4. Bae, D.S. and J.K. Lee,Development of NK cell expansion methods using feeder cells from human myelogenous leukemia cell line.Blood Research, 2014.49(3): p. 154-161. 5. Ahn, Y.-O., et al.,Irradiated and activated autol...
Cloudz Human NK Cell Expansion Kit Summary Summary Includes dissolvable Cloudz CD2/NKp46 microspheres that activate and promote the expansion of human NK cells ex vivo. Key Benefits Greater than 100-fold expansion of NK cells from PBMCs cells in 10 days Feeder-free expansion system for human NK...
Stimulation with NK-sensitive K562 cells is known to augment NK cell proliferation to IL-2, IL-15, and IL-21 in combination.Recently, remarkable NK cell-expansion rates are achieved when genetically engineered (GE) feeder cells are used. Dr. Dario Campana's group found that membrane-bound ...
NK cell culture media and reagents for cell expansion Feeder-free NK cell expansion systems are the desirable choice for clinical applications due to their reduced safety risks. However, the historically lower expansion rates of feeder-free culture systems present ...
HUACHEN hyperClone NK-kit整合了NK细胞活化与扩增所必须的重要信号通路因子,以及维持和延长NK细胞活性的关键细胞因子,因此能够高效扩增并活化高纯度的NK细胞,是纯蛋白因子方法大量制备具有肿瘤杀伤活性的NK细胞的强大工具。 hyperClone NK细胞纯蛋白因子体外扩增试剂盒, 无需feeder cell,可高效高纯度扩增NK细胞, 满足自...
NK CellTech has a unique ABCDE-NK®industrial production platform featuring our unique technologies of feeder-free large scale expansion and high efficiency gene modification of PBMC-NK cells, cryopreservation provide "off-the-shelf" supply for clinical immediate use. Through the synt...
One difficulty is the paucity of clinical grade manufacturing platforms to support the large scale expansion of highly active NK cells. We created an NK cell feeder cell line termed 'NKF' through overexpressing membrane bound IL-21 that is capable of inducing robust and sustained proliferation (>...
NKF feeder cells enable NK cell proliferation. (A) Schema of the NKF based NK cell expansion platform. (B) NKF-expanded NK cells are highly pure. Representative flow plots depicting purity of NK cells in the initial PBMC population and after 2 weeks of expansion. (C) Relative fractions of...