参考文献 Fang L, Ai R, Wang W, Tan L, Li C, Wang D, Jiang R, Qiu F, Qi L, Yang J, Zhou W, Zhu T, Tan W, Jiang Y, Fang X. Hyperbranched Polymer Dots with Strong Absorption and High Fluorescence Quantum Yield for In Vivo NIR-II Imaging. Nano Lett. 2023 Sep 5.
参考文献 Leilei Sun, Sisi Shi, Hongchao Geng, YaoHuang, Yan Qiao, Jie Song, Lan Yang, Craig A. Grimes, Xinxin Feng, and Qingyun Cai.NaGdF4:Nd@NaGdF4 Core-ShellDown-Conversion Nanoparticles as NIR-II Fluorescent Probes for Targeted Imagingof Bacteria.ACS Applied Nano Materials 2021 4 (10)...
Luan X, Hu H, Sun Z, He P, Zhu D, Xu Y, Liu B, Wei G. Assembling Ag2S quantum dots onto peptide nanosheet as a biomimetic two-dimensional nanoplatform for synergistic near infrared-II fluorescent imaging and photothermal therapy of tumor. J Colloid Interface Sci. 2024 Feb 21;663:111-1...
Conjugated polymer; Photothermal therapeutic effect; Blood vascular system; Second near-infrared window fluorecence imaging 译 近年来,近红外(700 ~ 1700 nm)荧光成像技术在生物成像、生物检测、疾病诊断和肿瘤成像引导治疗等生物应用中发挥着重要作用[1~5]. 可见光(400 ~ 700 nm)[6,7]和传统的近红外光(N...
参考文献 Peng, L.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, Z.; Fang, X.; Wang, Y.; Wu, C., Surface Plasmon-Enhanced NIR-II Fluorescence in a Multilayer Nanoprobe for Through-Skull Mouse Brain Imaging. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2022, 14 (34), 38575-38583.
Fig. 11 In vivo NIR⁃Ⅱ fluorescence images after tail vein injection of Ag2Te QDs (A) Control group, (B)─(D) fluorescence images taken in different directions: (B) supine position, (C) prone position, (D) lateral position. Imaging conditions: 808 nm excitation light, a power density...
良好的生物相容性和溶酶体靶向的抗肿瘤光疗,展示了精确鼻咽癌治疗诊断学的范式。参考文献 Li Z, Yang S, Xiao H, et al. Lysosome-Targeted and pH-Activatable Phototheranostics for NIR-II Fluorescence Imaging-Guided Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Phototherapy[J]. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2024.
Synthesis on NIR-II Multifunctional Imaging and Photothermal Therapy of a Novel Water-Soluble Molecule Mengyu Cao, Chang Wang, Fang Wang, Wentao Zou, Bing Yu*,Hailin Cong*,Youqing Shen Advanced Healthcare Materials DOI: 1...
NIR-II in vivo imaging system 高灵敏度 -采用Princeton Instruments深制冷相机,活体穿透深度高于15mm 高分辨率 -定制高分辨大光圈红外镜头,空间分辨率优于3um 荧光寿命 -分辨率优于5us 高速采集 -速度优于1000fps(帧每秒) 多模态系统 -可扩展X射线辐照、荧光寿命、一区荧光成像、原位成像光谱,CT等 ...