near- infrared-Ⅱ(NIR-Ⅱ, 1000—1700 nm) fluorescence imaging technology that developed rapidly in the last decade has attracted extensive attentions for its great potential in tumor diagnosis and therapy. In this review, we first illustrated the mechanism and advantages of fluorescence imaging...
Fang L, Ai R, Wang W, Tan L, Li C, Wang D, Jiang R, Qiu F, Qi L, Yang J, Zhou W, Zhu T, Tan W, Jiang Y, Fang X. Hyperbranched Polymer Dots with Strong Absorption and High Fluorescence Quantum Yield for In Vivo NIR-II Imaging. Nano Lett. 2023 Sep 5. ⭐️ ⭐️ ...
X., Near-infrared II fluorescent carbon dots for differential imaging of drug-resistant bacteria and dynamic monitoring of immune system defense against bacterial infection in vivo. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 471.
这些合理设计的纳米颗粒还允许内脏的高对比度多重成像和小鼠肿瘤的多模式NIR-II持续发光-磁共振-正电子发射断层成像。相关论文以题目为“X-ray-activated persistent luminescence nanomaterials for NIR-IIimaging”发表在Nature Nanotechnology期刊上。具有低组织散射的第二近红外窗口中的光学成像由于其高灵敏度和高时空分...
PBS 组和对照组相比几乎没有差异,表明无肝和肾毒性。参考文献 Su, P.; Sun, W.; Wang, G.; Xu, H.; Bao, B.; Wang, L., Size transformable organic nanotheranostic agents for NIR-II imaging-guided oncotherapy. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2024, 654, 740-752.
NIR-II in vivo imaging system 高灵敏度 - 采用Princeton Instruments深制冷相机,活体穿透深度高于15mm 高分辨率 - 定制高分辨大光圈红外镜头,空间分辨率优于3um 荧光寿命 - 分辨率优于 5us 高速采集 - 速度优于1000fps (帧每秒) 多模态系统 - 可扩展X射线辐照、荧光寿命、一区荧光成像、原位成像光谱,CT等 显...
NIR-II in vivo imaging system 高灵敏度 -采用Princeton Instruments深制冷相机,活体穿透深度高于15mm 高分辨率 -定制高分辨大光圈红外镜头,空间分辨率优于3um 荧光寿命 -分辨率优于5us 高速采集 -速度优于1000fps(帧每秒) 多模态系统 -可扩展X射线辐照、荧光寿命、一区荧光成像、原位成像光谱,CT等 ...
参考文献Diao, S.; Shi, W.; Liu, Y.; Liang, T.; Xu, Z.; Zhou, W.; Xie, C.; Fan, Q., Iron-chelated semiconducting oligomer nanoparticles for NIR-II fluorescenceimaging-guided enhanced chemodynamic/photothermal combination therapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2023, 11 (38), 9290-...
注: A:Multi-color fluorescence imaging system was composed of a clinically applicable fiber optic endoscope and light source; B:Cylindrical light diffuser with a NIR laser system; C:The endoscope was put into peritoneal cavity through a small incision,and the abdomen was inflated with air. Subseq...
此外,Au22团簇在实时成像和早期干预急性肾损伤等氧化应激和炎症相关疾病方面显示出巨大潜力,并有望进行临床应用。参考文献 Huizhen Ma, et al. Bioactive NIR-II gold clusters for three-dimensional imaging and acute inflammation inhibition. Science Advances. 2023 ...