(A) The visible and NIR-Ⅱb luminescence spectra of NaLuF4:Gd/Yb/Er nanorods(Ln-NRs) doped with different contents of Ce3+; (B) optical imaging of primary(site 1) and metastatic(site 2) tumors using poly(acrylic acid)-modified Lu-NRs(PAA-Ln-NRs) as fluorescence probe; (C) magnified...
The second near-infrared (NIR-II) fluorescenceRare-earth nanoparticles (RENPs)Poly (lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA)Tumor biomarkerA NIR-II fluorescent probe (RENPs) with high energy transfer (ET) efficiency was designed by employing Nd3+as energy donor and Yb3+as energy acceptor. Then,...
(A) The visible and NIR-Ⅱb luminescence spectra of NaLuF4:Gd/Yb/Er nanorods(Ln-NRs) doped with different contents of Ce3+; (B) optical imaging of primary(site 1) and metastatic(site 2) tumors using poly(acrylic acid)-modified Lu-NRs(PAA-Ln-NRs) as fluorescence probe; (C) magnified...
Zeng, C., Tan, Y., Sun, L., Long, Y., Zeng, F., & Wu, S. (2023). Renal-Clearable Probe with Water Solubility and Photostability for Biomarker-Activatable Detection of Acute Kidney Injuries via NIR-II Fluorescence and Optoacoustic Imaging. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 15(14), 17664-176...
(A)注射RHC-NO2 48小时后,解剖器官和肿瘤的近红外-II区荧光成像 (B)A549荷瘤小鼠(n = 3)的定量荧光强度。 参考文献 Zhang Xiaofan, et al."Sensitive imaging of tumors using a nitroreductase-activated fluorescence probe in the NIR-II window.." Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) .(2021):...
(A)注射RHC-NO2 48小时后,解剖器官和肿瘤的近红外-II区荧光成像 (B)A549荷瘤小鼠(n = 3)的定量荧光强度。 参考文献 Zhang Xiaofan, et al."Sensitive imaging of tumors using a nitroreductase-activated fluorescence probe in the NIR-II window.." Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) .(2021):...
Song, Z.; Hao, Q.; Li, B.; Yuan, Y.; Zhang, S.; Suo, Y.; Han, H.-H.; Cheng, Z., NIR-II fluorescence lateral flow immunosensor based on efficient energy transfer probe for point-of-care testing of tumor biomarkers. Chinese Chemical Letters 2024. ...
NIR-II fluorescenceOrganic dyes emitting in the second near‐infrared (NIR‐II, 900–1700nm) window, with high molar extinction coefficients (MEC) and quantum yields (QY) in aqueous, are essential for invivo bioimaging and biosensing. In this work, we developed a dibodipy‐based aggregation‐...
参考文献 Song, Z.; Hao, Q.; Li, B.; Yuan, Y.; Zhang, S.; Suo, Y.; Han, H.-H.; Cheng, Z., NIR-II fluorescence lateral flow immunosensor based on efficient energy transfer probe for point-of-care testing of tumor biomarkers. Chinese Chemical Letters 2024.
(A)注射RHC-NO2 48小时后,解剖器官和肿瘤的近红外-II区荧光成像 (B)A549荷瘤小鼠(n = 3)的定量荧光强度。 参考文献 Zhang Xiaofan, et al."Sensitive imaging of tumors using a nitroreductase-activated fluorescence probe in the NIR-II window.." Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) .(2021):...