该研究成果题为“NIR-II Fluorescence Imaging-guided Oxygen Self-sufficient Nano-platform for Precise Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy”。首次提出NIR-II荧光引导下增强乏氧肿瘤的光动力治疗(PDT)策略。团队研究生李文玲为文章的第一作者,田梗...
(A) Schematic diagram of the interactions between the photons and tissue in fluorescence imaging; (B) reduced scattering coefficients of different biological tissues and intralipid tissue phantom as a function of wavelength in the range of 400—1700 nm; (C) absorption spectra of oxygenated haemoglobi...
Zeng, C., Tan, Y., Sun, L., Long, Y., Zeng, F., & Wu, S. (2023). Renal-Clearable Probe with Water Solubility and Photostability for Biomarker-Activatable Detection of Acute Kidney Injuries via NIR-II Fluorescence and Optoacoustic Imaging. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 15(14), 17664-176...
参考文献 Xiao, P.; Sun, Y.; Liang, M.; Yang, S.; Li, J.; Zhang, L. e.; Jiang, X.; Wu, W., A fluorophore with dithienopyrrole donor for beyond 1300 nm NIR-II fluorescence/photoacoustic dual-model imaging and photothermal therapy. Materials Today Nano 2023, 24.
Ziliang Zheng. et al. Biodegradable Silica-Based Nanotheranostics for Precise MRI/NIR-II Fluorescence Imaging and Self-Reinforcing Antitumor Therapy. Small. 2021 DOI: 10.1002/smll.202006508 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/smll.202006508...
heng, M., Kong, Q., Tian, Q. et al. Osteosarcoma-targeted Cu and Ce based oxide nanoplatform for NIR-II fluorescence/magnetic resonance dual-mode imaging and ros cascade amplification along with immunotherapy. J Nanobiotechnol 22, 151 (2024). ...
参考文献 Peng, L.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, Z.; Liu, Z.; Fang, X.; Wang, Y.; Wu, C., Surface Plasmon-Enhanced NIR-II Fluorescence in a Multilayer Nanoprobe for Through-Skull Mouse Brain Imaging. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 2022, 14 (34), 38575-38583.
传统的荧光(Fluorescence)组织成像,是将成像组织置放于不断发射特定波长的光源照射下进行。受同一个光源照射影响,周围的组织自体同样会产生荧光,称为背景荧光。背景荧光的存在将使得信噪比下降,不利于对目标组织进行成像。因而近几年,科研工作者开始寻求一种新的发光成像——余辉发光(Persistent luminescence)。
在NIR-II荧光成像引导的原位GBM PTT-NO-免疫治疗中的开创性研究。参考文献 Liu J, Cheng D, Zhu A, et al. Neutrophil゛rgeting Semiconducting Polymer Nanotheranostics for NIR㊣ Fluorescence Imaging﹗ided Photothermal㎡﹎munotherapy of Orthotopic Glioblastoma[J]. Advanced Science, 2024: 2406750.
胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)是最致命的原发性脑肿瘤之一,但其诊断和治愈性治疗仍然是一个巨大的挑战。2024年8月19日,东华大学李静超团队在Advanced Science在线发表题为“Neutrophil-Targeting Semiconducting Polymer Nanotheranostics for NIR-II Fluorescence Imaging-Guided Photothermal-NO-Immunotherapy of Orthotopic Glioblastoma”...