本文最终对多层探针进行了外层封装和聚乙二醇化,并展示了表面等离子体增强的 NIR-II荧光,实现小鼠穿颅脑成像。与临床批准的ICG相比,它表现出精细的信噪比和穿透深度。GNR@SiO2-Pdot 纳米结构的设计和制造 Schemem 1 显示了用于表面等离子增强 NIR II荧光的多层纳米探针的设计策略。作为等离子体材料,GNR 具有显著的...
方案 1. 鼻咽癌 NIR-II 荧光成像引导溶酶体靶向光疗的 IRFEM@DHP 在这项工作中,开发了一种溶酶体靶向和pH响应的光疗纳米平台,用于NIR-II荧光成像引导的鼻咽癌PTT/PDT联合治疗(方案1)。首先,基于之前报道的IR-FE分子合成了一种有机S-D-A-D-S型分子(IRFEM),研究者对此进行了轻微的修改。IRFEM分子具有...
Zeng, C., Tan, Y., Sun, L., Long, Y., Zeng, F., & Wu, S. (2023). Renal-Clearable Probe with Water Solubility and Photostability for Biomarker-Activatable Detection of Acute Kidney Injuries via NIR-II Fluorescence and Optoacoustic Imaging. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 15(14), 17664-...
0.04, 0.01 mg/mL) with various filters (1000 − 1400 nm) in water; (b) NIR-II images of a 0.1 mg/mL solution of the pTB-PEG at different depths (0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 mm); (c) NIR-II fluorescence intensity of the pTB-PEG at various tissue depths (The dashed line indicates...
NIR-II Fluorescence/Photoacoustic Dual Ratiometric Probes with Unique Recognition Site for Quantitatively Visualizing H2S2in Vivo Bangping Hu, Qinian Liu, Yulan Jiang, Yujie Huang, Huiquan Ji, Jiqi Zhang, Xia Wang, Xing-Can Shen, Hua Chen ...
参考文献Diao, S.; Shi, W.; Liu, Y.; Liang, T.; Xu, Z.; Zhou, W.; Xie, C.; Fan, Q., Iron-chelated semiconducting oligomer nanoparticles for NIR-II fluorescenceimaging-guided enhanced chemodynamic/photothermal combination therapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2023, 11 (38), 9290-...
Liu J, Cheng D, Zhu A, et al. Neutrophil‐Targeting Semiconducting Polymer Nanotheranostics for NIR‐II Fluorescence Imaging‐Guided Photothermal‐NO‐Immunotherapy of Orthotopic Glioblastoma[J]. Advanced Science, 2024: 2406750. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ...
Zeng, C., Tan, Y., Sun, L., Long, Y., Zeng, F., & Wu, S. (2023). Renal-Clearable Probe with Water Solubility and Photostability for Biomarker-Activatable Detection of Acute Kidney Injuries via NIR-II Fluorescence and Optoacoustic Imaging. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 15(14), 17664-176...
胶质母细胞瘤(GBM)是最致命的原发性脑肿瘤之一,但其诊断和治愈性治疗仍然是一个巨大的挑战。2024年8月19日,东华大学李静超团队在Advanced Science在线发表题为“Neutrophil-Targeting Semiconducting Polymer Nanotheranostics for NIR-II Fluorescence Imaging-Guided Photothermal-NO-Immunotherapy of Orthotopic Glioblastoma”...
Zeng, C., Tan, Y., Sun, L., Long, Y., Zeng, F., & Wu, S. (2023). Renal-Clearable Probe with Water Solubility and Photostability for Biomarker-Activatable Detection of Acute Kidney Injuries via NIR-II Fluorescence and Optoacoustic Imaging. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 15(14), 17664-176...