体内代谢行为可以间接反映花菁@BSA的光稳定性特征。最后进行淋巴结成像以评估NIR-II成像能力。使用三种花菁@BSA(IR-780@BSA,IR-808@BSA,IR-783@ BSA)和临床使用的ICG研究了淋巴结成像的光稳定性。IR-780@BSA在四个测试探针中仍然最稳定(Figure 6G)。IR-780@BSA(1 mM,25 μL)为腘窝淋巴结可视化提供...
c) 具有不同长通(LP)滤光片的BT3 NP(100μg mL-1)、BT6分子(100μgmL-1)和BT6 NP(100微克mL-1)的NIR-II荧光图像。激发源:808nm激光。d) NIR-II荧光强度与BT6 NPs浓度之间的定量关系(n=4)。插图:不同浓度的BT6 NP的NIR-II荧光图像。激发源:808nm激光。e) IR1061(在DCM中)、BT3分子(在THF中...
In the NIR-II fluorophore, small organic molecule fluorophore has attracted much attention because of its good biocompatibility and good pharmacokinetic properties. In this review, we briefly introduced the existing NIR-II organic small molecule fluorophores, and introduced the existing relatively mature ...
生物体内NIR-II成像引导的胰腺癌治疗 在1000-1400 nm范围通过不同的长通滤光片,观察小鼠全身血管成像效果,如图3所示,在所有NIR-II发射的图像中都能看到小鼠血管,且随着波长的增加,图像信噪比显著提高,背景干扰明显减少,表明TPC CNPs具有高亮度和高分辨率的NIR-II成像潜力。如图4所示,在NIR-II窗口中的生物成像进一步...
Bai, L.; Hu, Z.; Han, T.; Wang, Y.; Xu, J.; Jiang, G.; Feng, X.; Sun, B.; Liu, X.; Tian, R.; Sun, H.; Zhang, S.; Chen, X.; Zhu, S., Super-stable cyanine@albumin fluorophore for enhanced NIR-II bioimaging. Theranostics 2022, 12 (10), 4536-4547. ...
injections cause in vivo assembly of azobenzene modified UCNP(UCNP@Azo) and β-cyclodextrin modified DCNP(DCNP@β-CD) with improved tumor targeting. The 980 nm NIR-regulated in vivo disassembly enables rapid clearance in liver. Irradiation of 808 nm lastly was utilized for NIR-Ⅱ bioimaging[...
Bai, L.; Hu, Z.; Han, T.; Wang, Y.; Xu, J.; Jiang, G.; Feng, X.; Sun, B.; Liu, X.; Tian, R.; Sun, H.; Zhang, S.; Chen, X.; Zhu, S., Super-stable cyanine@albumin fluorophore for enhanced NIR-II bioimaging. Theranostics 2022, 12 (10), 4536-4547. ...
展示了呋喃在构建高性能NIR-II荧光探针方面的潜力,为生物成像领域提供了一种新型的D单元选择,并为肿瘤诊断和治疗提供了一种有效的工具。参考文献 Liu, C., Li, M., Ma, H., Hu, Z., Wang, X., Ma, R., et al. (2023). Furan Donor for NIR-II Molecular Fluorophores with Enhanced Bioimaging ...
Ming-Ho Liu. et al. Polymethine-Based Semiconducting Polymer Dots with NarrowBand Emission and Absorption/Emission Maxima at NIR-II for Bioimaging. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 2020 DOI: 10.1002/anie.202011914 https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/anie.202011914 ...
针对上述问题,苏州大学李盛亮教授与香港城市大学李振声教授、罗敬东教授合作,在Advanced Materials上发表了题为“Neutral Cyanine: Ultra-Stable NIR-II Merocyanines for Highly Efficient Bioimaging and Tumor-Targeted Phototheranostics.”的研究论...