近年来新兴的纳米孔测序技术能够对长链RNA直接测序(nanopore direct RNA-sequencing),无需 PCR 扩增,可以同时在核苷酸序列中识别碱基修饰【3,4】。2021年7月19日,来自于新加坡A*STAR基因研究所的Jonathan Göke 研究组在Nature Biotechnology杂志上发表了题为Identification of differential RNA modifications from ...
nanopore sequencing 因为可以读取全长并且直接捕获RNA序列而不需要担心反转录过程中的实验影响而比较适合于RNA修饰的检测。 3. 文献研究 (开了坑不过没时间跟踪这些文献了,先留个坑,之后有空做到这个部分分析的时候再来补) 3.1 Nanopore direct RNA sequencing maps the complexity of Arabidopsis mRNA processing and ...
while Nanopore direct RNA sequencing has the ability to detect such remote interactions. References:Workman R E, Tang A D, Tang P S, et al. Nanopore native RNA sequencing of a human poly (A) transcriptome[J]
Quantitative profiling of N 6-methyladenosine at single-base resolution in stem-differentiating xylem of Populus trichocarpa using Nanopore direct RNA sequencing[J]. Genome biology, 2021, 22: 1-17. ^Kovaka S, Hook P W, Jenike K M, et al. Uncalled4 improves nanopore DNA and RNA modification...
新型纳米孔测序法(nanopore sequencing)是采用电泳技术,借助电泳驱动 单个分子逐一通过纳米孔来实现测序的。由于纳米孔的直径非常细小,仅允许 单个核酸聚合物通过,因而可以在此基础上使用多种方法来进行高通量检测。此外,纳米级别的孔径保证了检测具有良好的持续性,所以测序的准确度非常高。对于长达1,000个碱基的单...
[1]Parker M T , Knop K , Sherwood A V , et al. Nanopore direct RNA sequencing maps the complexity of Arabidopsis mRNA processing and m6A modification[J]. Elife Sciences, 2020, 9:e49658. [2]Froussios K , Kira Mourão, Simpson G , et al. Relative Abundance of Trans ( RATs ): ...
以上数据表明,纳米孔RNA直接测序鉴定m6A修饰的效果优异。 原文:DANIEL A. LORENZ, et al. Direct RNA sequencing enablesm6A detection in endogenous transcript isoforms at base-specific resolution. RNA(2020) 26:19–28.
文章标题:Direct Full-Length RNA Sequencing Reveals an Important Role of Epigenetics During Sexual Reversal in Chinese Soft-Shelled Turtle 发表杂志:Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology(IF=6.684) 发表日期:2022.3.25 材料 使用外源激素雌二醇或甲基睾酮刺激中华鳖性腺分化阶段的胚胎,获得假雌性(PF)和假...
Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are frequently documented RNA modification substrates. Nanopore Technologies enables the direct sequencing of RNAs and the detection of modified nucleobases. Ordinarily, direct RNA sequencing uses polyadenylation selection, study
Characterizing complex viral transcriptomes by conventional RNA sequencing approaches is complicated by high gene density, overlapping reading frames, and complex splicing patterns. Direct RNA sequencing (direct RNA-seq) using nanopore arrays offers an e