The MPF is a fully funded contribution system that was launched in 2000 and is mandatory for those who wish to retire in Hong Kong. The system is privately managed. Master Trust Schemes is one of the most commonMPF schemes.These accounts can be opened by employers, employees, self-employed ...
With the exception of a few groups of people, when an employee’s salary meets the MPF contribution criteria, both the employer and the employee should contribute to a fund in accordance with the rules, which can be withdrawn after the employee reaches the age of 65 for retireme...
Employee Choice Arrangement – Transfer Election Form (Form MPF(S) – P(P)), to their new trustees themselves for processing and need not arrange the transfer through their employers. Does ECA affect self-employed persons? No, it does not. Self-employed persons are free, as they always do...
Rules of Origin For the purposes of covered procurement, no Party may apply rules of origin to goods or services imported from or supplied by another Party that are different from the rules of origin the Party applies at the same time in the normal course of trade. Technical Regulations 1....
For further details, including the product features, de-risking mechanism and table, fees and charges, investment rules and procedures, and the risk factors involved, please refer to the MPF Scheme Brochure of the Master Trust. 預設投資策略是一項主要為無意或不希望作出基金選擇的成員而設的現成...
(8) If you request to transfer out the benefits derived from the voluntary contributions but the governing rules of Original Scheme do not allow this, the option(s) will not be processed. Please refer to paragraph (3) of the Guide for more information. 如你要求把自願性供款所產生的權益...
I accept and agree to be bound by the terms of such MPF Scheme Brochure (and addendum thereto, if any), the trust deed constituting the Plan (including any deed of amendment), the rules thereof and any other notification sent to me from time to time pursuant to the terms of th...
rules permit: 本人希望將原計劃供款帳戶內管限規則許可的以下全部累算權益轉移: — Employee mandatory contributions in current employment Notes 5 & 6 現職期間的僱員強制性供款 註5及 6 — Employee voluntary contributions in current employment Notes 7 & 8 現職期間的僱員自願性供款 註7及8 — ...
5.What are the employee contribution rules under the Hong Kong MPF regulations? Employees do not face as many compliance obligations as their employers do. However, it is vital for employees to ensure that they make theregular mandatory contributionof 5% of their relevant income to their relevant...