The article reports on the speculation of executives among pension service providers in Hong Kong, China that Henry Fan Hung-ling's two-year contract with the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPF...
+43.22% Hong Kong and Chinese Equity Fund 1-year cumulative performance Increase 30.40% +30.40% The above funds performance are not and should not be construed as an offer to sell or solicitation of an offer to purchase or subscribe for any investment. ...
- permanent departure from the Hong Kong SAR; or - making a claim on small balance under section 162(1)(c) of the General Regulation. square bracket 11The account balance of a Member in the Guaranteed Fund will be crystallised (the ‘Crystallised Amount’) on 31 December in the year in...
(c) I agree to the obligation that the account holder must comply with requests made by the Trustee / Sponsor to comply with the CRS (AEOI) requirements under the Inland Revenue Ordinance and/or applicable law and regulation, and such obligation forms the basis of the account to be opened....
There is a two-year transitional arrangement for MPF intermediaries. During this period, MPF intermediaries will be automatically transferred to the new regime. If intermediaries wish to conduct MPF sales and marketing activities after the transitional period, they may apply for registration under...
(please submit a copy of HKID card and a copy of Deed Poll) 姓名(請連同香港身份證副本及合法轉名契副本) ⃞ Specimen Signature* 簽署式樣 * ⃞ Others (please specify) 其他(請註明) Under Section 91(2) of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes (General) Regulation (Cap. 485A), the...
prohibitedbythe'MPFOrdinance'orGeneralRegulation,prescribe). Please refer to the 'Payment of MPF Benefits and AVC Benefits' section under 'Payment of benefits' in Part I – Product Information of the relevant 'Principal Brochure' for full details. ...
“Margin stock” within the meanings of Regulation U does not constitute more than 25% of the value of the consolidated assets of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries. None of the transactions contemplated by this Credit Agreement (including, without limitation, the direct or indirect use of the ...
And the 5-year US Treasury yield closed at 0.38%, down 131 basis points whereas the 5-year Hong Kong dollar government bond yield fell 115 basis points to close at 0.57%. The worldwide-spread Covid-19 and its containment measures, including "limitations of group gathering" regulation, "...
Sections148Aand148BoftheMandatoryProvidentFundSchemes(General)Regulation(“theRegulation”) (適用於僱員在現職期間把現職的計劃(「原計劃」)供款帳戶內的累算權益轉移至自選計劃(「新計劃」)的帳戶) 《強制性公積金計劃(一般)規例》(簡稱《規例》)第148A及148B條 Note注意 •Pleasereadthe“GuidetoTransferBen...