#Subject to the rules of the MPF scheme. +Tax Deductible Voluntary Contribution (TVC) can only be paid or transferred into a TVC account, which is separate from a contribution account or a personal account. Transfer of TVC must be in a lump sum (full account balance), transfer in part ...
Social Capital Builder Logo Award 2018-2020 “Jockey Club Age-friendly City Partner” & “Age-friendly Innovation Award” 2019 ERB Manpower Developer Award 2018-2020 Good MPF Employer Award 2019-2020 Good MPF Employer Award, e-Contribution Award and MPF Support Award...
The amount of CPF contribution is capped at SGD6,000. For example, if you are below 50 years old and your monthly income is SGD6,000, you will have to contribute SGD1,200 while your employer will have to contribute SGD1,020 to your CPF. Now, you may think people in ...
東亞(強積金)特別自願性供款賬戶 想累積優厚的退休儲備,享受舒適的退休生活,東亞銀行誠意為你獻上特別自願性供款賬戶,只需每月作出額外供款,便可助你累積及管理財富。 為何選擇特別自願性供款賬戶? 可供選擇的計劃 我們提供東亞(強積金)集成信託計劃及東亞(強積金)享惠計劃,以切合你的退休需求。 兩個計劃提供多...
branches 或投放於指定恒生銀行分行的強積金寄存辦理箱 Hang Seng MPF Employer Direct 恒生強積金僱主專線:2288 6822 Hang Seng MPF Service Hotline 恒生強積金服務熱線:2213 2213 HANG SENG MANDATORY PROVIDENT FUND REMITTANCE STATEMENT (SELF-EMPLOYED) 恒生強積金:付款結算書(自僱人士) HHAABB44 Note 注意: 1...
For details of Expat's enrolment, please refer to FAQ of MPF, item 6 under "Coverage and Enrolment": https://www.mpfa.org.hk/en/info-centre/faq/self-employed Reference Employer's Handbook on MPF Obligations: http://www.mpfa.org.hk/eng/information_centre/publications/booklets_publications/m...
MPF Employer Direct (852) 2288 6822 指定恒生銀行分行內的強積金專員 Hang Seng MPF Specialists in our designated Hang Seng Bank branches 僱主行政指南 助你輕易解決強積金行政疑難 Employer Administration Guide helps you in solving MPF administration problems 多元化服務渠道 Diversified service channels ...
Employers still have to put new contributions (including employer and employee's parts) of the payroll periods thereafter into contribution accounts under the original trustees and plans instead of the MPF accounts under the trustees and plans (new trustees and new plans) selected by employees. Empl...
When Should I Enrol My Employees in MPF Schemes and Make Contributions? What is Contribution Holiday? I have mentioned types of MPF schemes and how to join an MPF scheme before and believed that many of …Read Moreabout When Should I Enrol My Employees in MPF Schemes and Make Contributions?
It is used for receiving assets transferred from other MPF accounts from previous employments. Unlike the contribution account, the personal account will not receive contributions made through the current employer. 現改稱為個人賬戶,是用來接收由前受僱期間成立的強積金賬戶轉入的資產。與供款賬戶不同,...