6.Are there exemptions under Hong Kong MPF contribution rules? Not all employees working in Hong Kong must be enrolled under an MPF scheme. Expatriates residing in Hong Kong for employment purposes can obtain permission to be exempted from the Hong Kong Government. Permission can only be granted ...
In respect of an eligible dispute arising between the Bank and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the governing rules of ...
In respect of an eligible dispute arising between the Bank and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the governing rules of ...
Example 例子 Name of Fund 基金名稱 BEA (MPF) Growth Fund 東亞(強積金)增長基金 BEA (MPF) Balanced Fund 東亞(強積金)均衡基金 Fund Code 基金代號 GRF BAF Employer's Contribution 僱主供款 1 0% 9 0% Employee's / Self-employed Person's / Personal Account Holder's Contribution* 僱員 / 自僱...
Received by (Branch): on (dd/mm/yy) Received by (MPF Adm Ctr): on (dd/mm/yy) Illustration 解說例子 BEA (MPF) Value Scheme 東亞( 強積金 )享惠計劃 Member – Election Form for Accrued Benefits (Form MPF(S) - P(M)) (for Self-Employed Person, Personal Account Holder or Employee ...
Employee Choice Arrangement – Transfer Election Form (Form MPF(S) – P(P)), to their new trustees themselves for processing and need not arrange the transfer through their employers. Does ECA affect self-employed persons? No, it does not. Self-employed persons are free, as they always do...
5.What are the employee contribution rules under the Hong Kong MPF regulations? Employees do not face as many compliance obligations as their employers do. However, it is vital for employees to ensure that they make theregular mandatory contributionof 5% of their relevant income to their relevant...
(Self-Employed Person) 成員 – 參與協議(自僱人士) Parties 訂約方 (1) The person named in the Schedule to this Agreement (the "Self-Employed Person"); 本協議附表所列人士(「自僱人士」); (2) Bank of East Asia (Trustees) Limited of 32nd Floor, BEA Tower, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun ...
In addition, the SVC Applicant represents that he or she falls under any one of the following categories: (i) an employee, (ii) a self-employed person1, or (iii) a member or a former member of an MPF scheme2, an ORSO exempted scheme3 or a registered ORSO scheme. 特別自願性供款...
. In respect of an eligible dispute arising between the Bank and the customer out of the selling process or processing of the related transaction, the Bank is required to enter into a Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme process with the customer; however any dispute over the governing rules of ...