However, when I try to launch modelsim using vsim command I get the following error message: Failed to obtain lock: couldn't open "/root/.modelsim_lock": file already existsError in startup script: Initialization problem, exiting. Initialization problem, exiting. Initialization problem,...
In the event you've installed or upgraded to Ubuntu 17x or 18 and are trying to get ModelSim to work, you may encounter the following error: Thanks to @mfro for posting the link! :) Error in startup script: Initialization problem, exiting. Initialization...
具体:用文本编辑器打开 install_dir\modeltech\ modelsim.ini 删除文件中下列行, Startup = do 并保存。注意:一定要使文件modelsim.ini能写能修改,这可通过在文件上右击,点击属性,取消“只读”这一选上,然后OK。 3.浏览一下DO文件,会发现它用一个变量Sentity处理了:随启动的设备不同而做不同的...
安全>开发者(Security > For Developers)打开新的设置页面,选择“Windows Subsystem for Linux (Beta)...
set RENDERDOC_HOOK_EGL=0 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --disable-gpu-sandbox --gpu-startup-dialog Do NOT press Ok on the dialog box yet; In RenderDoc, search for the chrome process and inject into it; ...
时,“***.vh”文件一定要保存在Quartus工程目录下,或者在包含该头文件模块的文件目录下,如果该文件在其他文件目录会报错如下: Error (10054...;burst_mode.vh"。 2、Modelsim工程中`include包含的是“***.vh”(或者“***.h”)文件,在Modelsim中对工程编译时 quartus调用mode...
一、搭建运行环境 用到的工具包括JDK、eclipseIDE集成环境、Tomcat服务器 JDK的测试 在命令行输入:Java -version 指定eclipse的JDK运行环境 Window—Preferences—Java—Installed JREs Tomcat的测试 进入Tomcat的bin目录,双击“startup.bat”...Cisco Packet Tracer 7.0 简单的使用教程 早前思科的Cisco Packet Tracer ...
Hi, I would like to use free modelsim on my Fedora 21 but when I launch ModelSim I get this echo on terminal : Code: Error in startup script:
The environment variable MODELSIM_TCL can be set to the path of a script that will be run on startup. The messages regarding MODELSIM (before) and MODELSIM (after) relate to the modelsim.ini path before my remapping occurs and then after. In my setup I explicitly change the location...
一、搭建运行环境 用到的工具包括JDK、eclipseIDE集成环境、Tomcat服务器 JDK的测试 在命令行输入:Java -version 指定eclipse的JDK运行环境 Window—Preferences—Java—Installed JREs Tomcat的测试 进入Tomcat的bin目录,双击“startup.bat”...Cisco Packet Tracer 7.0 简单的使用教程 早前思科的Cisco Packet Tracer ...