2、点击“compile”——“compile all”编译这两个文件,如果绿颜色的提示“# Compile of adder.vhd was successful.# Compile of testbench.vhd was successful with warnings.# 2 compiles, 0 failed with no errors.”,就是没有错误,此时点击上图中的“library”切换视图,展开“work”工作目录,就可以看到如...
4 分别双击文件名,进入编辑模式。编写代码。保存后,将鼠标放在其中一个文件,右键,compile->compile all。编译通过后,会提示# Compile of tb_led.v was successful.# 2 compiles, 0 failed with no errors.就可以进行仿真了。5 点击Simulate->start Simulation。记得把optimizationqian2的勾选去掉,点击work前...
# 2 compiles, 0 failed with no errors.vsim -novopt work.test # vsim -novopt work.test # ...
rst_n,//SRAM signalsSRAM_CE_n,//Chip slect Input£¬SRAM_OE_n,//Output Enable InputSRAM_WE_n,//Write Enable InputSRAM_ADDR,//address inputSRAM_DATA,//data inoutSRAM_LB_n,//Lower-byte Control (I/O0-I/O7)SRAM_UB_n,//Upper-byte Control (I/O8-I/O15)//divice sideled_R...
8、iles,0failedwithnoerrors.10.双击couter_tb.v进行工程的加载,出现窗口如下。11. 选择View>DebugWindows>wave将弹出波形窗口。12. 右击counter_tb.v,在出现的菜单中选择Add>AddtoWava13. 在transcript窗口中VSIM>后敲入run1000.则系统将仿真1000ns.我们可根据波形查看仿真结果。4/counterjb/cik疋LrLrLrLrLrpir...
ERROR: [Common 17-39]'launch_simulation' failed due to earlier errors. 原因 问题确认思路,根据报错提示,是compile.bat的问题,可能是执行权限的问题,找到compile.bat脚本,执行,命令窗口直接闪退。 无法直接执行compile.bat脚本,则对里面的命令组条执行 ...
i 2 ccmpiLea 0 faLled with no errors *Mo 26、delSm >Ln: 1 Col: 0rProject :LH?_FLOW<Nq Design Loaded图2.16编译成功3仿真工程3.1开始仿真单击Library 图标,选择work ,单击+以展开选项,然后选择LED_FLOW 。单击右键,选择编译, 如图3.1所示。File Edit View Compile Simulate Add Library Tols Layout ...
ERROR: [Vivado 12-3591] compile_simlib failed to compile for modelsim with 1 errors.compile_simlib: Time (s): cpu = 00:01:29 ; elapsed = 00:27:15 . Memory (MB): peak = 693.621 ; gain = 484.043ERROR: [Common 17-39] 'compile_simlib' failed due to earlier errors.求助各位大神,求...
# 2 compiles, 0 failed with no errors. 编译成功! 3 仿真工程 3.1 开始仿真 1. 单击Library图标,选择work,单击+以展开选项,然后选择LED_FLOW。单击右键,选择编译,如图3.1所示 2. 单击Simulate,到达图3.2所示画面。 4. 在图3.2中,单击LED_FLOW,单击右键,然后选择Add>To Wave>All Items in region,然后单击...
Errors: 1, Warnings: 1 END_COMPILATION_MESSAGES(modelsim:vhdl:unisim) === <...> ERROR: [Vivado 12-5602] compile_simlib failed to compile for modelsim with error in 18 libraries (cxl_error.log) INFO: [Vivado 12-7167] Writing compiled library information... INFO: [Vivado 12-7165] Finish...