>> quartus_eda --gen_testbench --check_outputs=on --tool=modelsim_oem --format=verilog four_bit_shift_reg_with_memory -c four_bit_shift_reg_with_memory_top {--vector_source=E:/FPGA_program/four_bit_shift_reg_with_memory_v2/test_ram.vwf} {--testbench_file...
Important: If you use the Vivado simulator, be sure to specify all appropriate project settings for your design before running simulation. For supported third-party simulators, see Simulating with Third-Party Simulators. From the Flow Navigator, click Ru
I'm trying to run a ModelSim simulation of my project. I just installed ModelSim, and haven't gotten it to work with Quartus yet. I am running Quartus Prime Standard Edition, as well as ModelSim 10.4b Custom Altera Version (I'm not sure why it's custom...). There error comes abou...
68401 - 2016.3 ModelSim/QuestaSim - Fatal: (vsim-3363) error when running SRIO simulation without HELLO mode Description ModelSim and QuestaSim show the following Fatal: (vsim-3363) error when running SRIO simulation without HELLO mode.
When you attempt to run the UniPHY simulation example designin ModelSim or Riviera-PRO, you may receive the following error:Error: (vsim-125) The shared library ./submodules/libbytestream_pli.so being
Vivado Simulation & Verification 58907 - 2013.3 - boost::filesystem:: error when running compile_simlib for ModelSim Sep 23, 2021•Knowledge Title 58907 - 2013.3 - boost::filesystem:: error when running compile_simlib for ModelSim Description When running compile_simlib with ModelSim, the ...
ip: Generate the IP required for this simulation xsim: Run the simulation using the Xilinx Vivado Simulator xclean: Cleanup Xilinx Vivado Simulator intermediate files vsim: Run the simulation using ModelSim simulator via Vivado modelsim: Run the simulation using ModelSim without Vivado vlint: ...
When simulating a design using the AXI BFM or Zynq-7000 BFM core from a command-line outside of the Vivado GUI, an error occurs regarding licensing or missing PLI which did not occur in earlier versions. For Questa/ModelSim, the error is similar to the following: # BFM Xilinx: License ...
"XPM is supported as a pre-compiled IP. Hence, you need not add the source file to the project." However, if I run simulation from the command line and reference the library via the -L xpm switch, I see an error about not being able to find the XPM module. ...
I create a file/block, open up the VWF simulation, input the nodes, generate the modelsim/testbench script, and hit functional simulation. I get the error shown in the first image labeled "error" every time. The line it is referencing is shown in the second image l...