# ** Error (suppressible): (vsim-19) Failed to access library 'sgate' at "sgate".# No ...
I am having this error message when attempting to run the model sim execution in the University Program VWF. My OS is windows 10, i5 processor. I am
ModelSim executable not found in C:/intelFPGA_lite/simulation/modelsim Error.Subscribe More actions Charger0025 Beginner 02-02-2024 12:17 PM 4,043 Views I am having this error message when attempting to run the model sim execution in the University Program VWF. ...
But when i try to simulate it is giving the following error :" Model Technology's ModelSim ...
Executable中双击来改变路径,就并且在工程中设置了自动启动ModelSim,就可以自动启用了。 1.在EDA Tool Settings,首先将仿真工具设置为ModelSim,然后点击让它自动启动。 2.NativeLink settings中选择testbench,完成相关的设置,例如test bench name,top level module in test bench,Design instance name in test bench,仿真...
1、二、有关 quartusll出现“ Error: Can't launch the ModelSim software thepath to the locati on of the executables for the ModelSim software were not specified or the executables were not found at specified path.Error: You can specify the path in the EDA Tool Options page of the Opti ons...
Error: (vsim-3033) /home/heweibao/project_fpga/altera/ip/add.v(91): Instantiation of 'altmult_add' failed. The design unit was not found. 这是因为没有加库,可以在:simulate->start simulation design选自己要仿真的,然后点libraries,选自己用过的ipcore ...
modelsim6.5与quartus联合仿真的路径问题解决 二,有关quartusii出现 "error: can't launch the modelsim software– the path to the location of the executables for the modelsim software were not specified or the executables were not found at specified path. error: you can specify the path in the ...
当然了,不是一帆风顺的,就在加入了SDF文件之后,准备开始的时候,出现了ERROR,vsim-sdf- 3894:Compiled SDF file was not found.不过幸好很快找到了解决办法,那就是将你的testbench和 *.sdo文件放在同一个目录下,这种错误就可以解决了,默认的会在当前工程下的simulation/modelsim ...
ModelSim executable not found in C:/intelFPGA_lite/20.1/quartus/common/tcl/internal/nativelink/Error. I also tried putting the project in a folder without any spaces, but got the same result. Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Nurina Employee 03-24-2021 12:20 ...