Modelsim: "Unable to replace existing ini file" Subscribe More actions mindchasers New Contributor I 09-12-2021 06:21 PM 10,842 Views Hello, Ever since I upgraded to the latest Quartus Pro Edition (21.2.0), the bundled Modelsim hangs when I compile a Ve...
到当4个文件都compile结束以后,选择done。关闭modelsim (4)这时候你可以在C:\Modeltech_6.2b\examples文件夹中看到unisim文件夹,把这个文件夹copy到你的工程相应的文件夹里,就OK了。 Modelsim调试Unable to check a licese.的解决办法 xilinx调用modelsim时出错,出现如下对话框: 解决步骤如下: (1)打开e:\sopc\...
You need to compile the altera_europa_support_lib.vhd file found in the altera\quartus\libraries\vhdl\altera sub-directory. Hope this helps Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply Altera_Forum Honored Contributor II 02-05-2009 09:40 AM 3,499 Views Yes in fact, I found the lib...
ISE modelsim仿真遇到了这个报错 WARNING: unable to resolve env var in modelsim.ini file entry: $::env(MODEL_TECH)/…/std WARNING: unable to resolve env var in modelsim.ini file entry: $::env(MODEL_TECH)/&... 别的电脑上的ISE工程放到本电脑上后使用ModelSim仿真时出错的解决办法 ...
Went to cocotb directory and created a python virtualenv so I may use always the 32-bit options: $> cd cocotb $> virtualenv py32 -p /opt/pym32/bin/python2.7 --no-setuptools Activated this env, compile cocotb and ran the test: $> source py32/bin/activate $> LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/...
2. Change the Modelsim directory to the "\fft0\simulation\mentor" folder 3. Type "source msim_setup.tcl" 4. Type "ld" to compile 5. Type "do" to populate the waveform 6. Type "run -all" to start the simulation You may refer to the video link b...
Hello, Ever since I upgraded to the latest Quartus Pro Edition (21.2.0), the bundled Modelsim hangs when I compile a Verilog source file and prints
You need to compile the altera_europa_support_lib.vhd file found in the altera\quartus\libraries\vhdl\altera sub-directory.