Hello, Ever since I upgraded to the latest Quartus Pro Edition (21.2.0), the bundled Modelsim hangs when I compile a Verilog source file and prints
Failed to open executable /home/junningwu/intelFPGA_pro/19.3/modelsim_ase/linuxaloem/../linux_x86_64pe/vish in execute mode needed for the option -64. execv: No such file or directory ** Fatal: Unable to exec the GUI /home/junningwu/intelFPGA_pro/19.3/modelsim_ase/linuxaloem/../li...
Windows10 64-bit操作系统,vivado 2016.4,modelsim使用过10.4a,10.4c,10.4c(64-bit),但是准备联合仿真预编译会报错,使用TCL进行预编译,已经使用过管理员权限运行,使用的命令是 compile_simlib -directory D:/xilinx_sim_lib -simulator modelsim -simulator_exec_path D:/modeltech64_10.4/win64。所报的错是 ==...
** Error: Failure to obtain a Verilog simulation license. Unable to checkout any of these license features: 'alteramtivsim' or 'alteramtivlog'.Error loading design Quarus License Setup: Thanks, Elit Translate 0 Kudos Copy link Reply AR_A_Intel Employee ...
到当4个文件都compile结束以后,选择done。关闭modelsim (4)这时候你可以在C:\Modeltech_6.2b\examples文件夹中看到unisim文件夹,把这个文件夹copy到你的工程相应的文件夹里,就OK了。 Modelsim调试Unable to check a licese.的解决办法 xilinx调用modelsim时出错,出现如下对话框: 解决步骤如下: (1)打开e:\sopc\...
ISE modelsim仿真遇到了这个报错 WARNING: unable to resolve env var in modelsim.ini file entry: $::env(MODEL_TECH)/…/std WARNING: unable to resolve env var in modelsim.ini file entry: $::env(MODEL_TECH)/&... 查看原文 ISE与Modelsim联合仿真关联设置 ...
precompiled libraries and provide the path to them using the -E switch. ERROR:EDK:1172 - Error while creating simulator compile scriptDone! 解决办法: 在Xilinx Platform Studio(EDK,XPS)中,Edit-->Preferences-->Simulation 之后执行Launch Compile Process 等待编译完成,编译报告可以copy成log.txt用UE打开。
首先确认modelsim的型号是否在modelsim10.6c及以上,没有需要重新安装 问题分析 ERROR: [Vivado 12-5602] compile_simlib failed to compile for modelsim with error in 8 libraries (cxl_error.log) 我用modelsim10.1c进行编译 (Vivado下进行Compile S... ...
5.编译 菜单栏“Compile”——“Compile All”。6.仿真 (1)切换到“Library”——“WORK”,双击...
在ubuntu11.10中安装modelsim6.5f时出现以下错误这会导致E: Unable to locate package install.linux E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'install.linux' 浏览0提问于2012-03-29得票数 0 1回答 vsim_auto_compile.so 32位Ubuntu问题 、、、 您好,我已经在Ubuntu 16.04上安装了Modelsim 32位版本。我还安...