MC-15790No hostile mobs spawning, expect with spawner Resolved MC-40069Mobs Rarley Spawning Above And Below Ground Resolved MC-42053Low mob spawn rates on low render distances Resolved MC-52042Mob cap filled? Resolved MC-52991Mob spawning behaviour affected by render distance. ...
Spawning:MobLimiter can be configured to limit the spawning of new mobs in real time, checking the number of the applicable mob type in a "view distance" (as a chunk radius) as well as in an individual chunk and blocking the addition of extra mobs beyond the limit. Entity Unload:Similar...
Phase one - 多重岩石 用rock_group代替a_rock.复位岩石组成空的集合set. 你的rock spawner产生一个新岩石(Sprite的一个对象实例) 并添加到rock_group里面 修改你的rock spawner使得屏幕里面的岩石数量有上限。我们建议最多12个太多岩石的话游戏会不那么好玩而且动画会明显变慢。 建立一个process_sprite_group函数....
* adds all chunks within the spawn radius of the players to eligibleChunksForSpawning. pars: the world, * hostileCreatures, passiveCreatures. returns number of eligible chunks. */ public int findChunksForSpawning(WorldServer server, boolean spawnHostileMobs, boolean spawnPeacefulMobs, boolean isSpecia...