privateMobSpawnerBaseLogic.WeightedRandomMinecart randomEntity; /** The rotation of the mob inside the mob spawner */ privatedoublemobRotation; /** the previous rotation of the mob inside the mob spawner */ privatedoubleprevMobRotation; privateintminSpawnDelay =200; privateintmaxSpawnDelay =800; ...
·radius:等级依赖函数,表示爆炸半径。 ·create_fire:布尔值,表示爆炸点周围是否会生成火焰。 ·block_interaction:爆炸于方块是如何交互的。可以为如下之一: ·none:无效果。 ·block:如同一个方块引发了该爆炸。blockExplosionDropDecay游戏规则将影响方块被爆炸影响时的掉落概率。 ·mob:如同一个生物造成了爆炸。mo...
minecraft:mob_spawner minecraft:moss_block minecraft:moss_carpet minecraft:mossy_cobblestone minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_double_slab minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_slab minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_stairs minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_double_slab minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_slab minecraf...
Mob Spawner Control 1.20.5 – 1.19.4 for Minecraft. Pyrofab has come up with a creation which is relatively new in the game but idea is pretty well known around the years. Additionally there are some tools which provide assistance to bring more excitement in the game and this tool is one...
在输入指令/give [玩家ID] minecraft:mob_spawner 61时,会获得以下哪个方块? A.61个猪刷怪箱 B.1个烈焰人刷怪箱 C.61个烈焰人刷怪箱 D.1个猪刷怪箱 答案:A 其他更多答案请参考:网易我的世界末影龙的试炼第二期答案 4月10日第二轮激活码答题答案...
Previously mob spawners had to be configured using the/mspawncommand by amoderator- this was a risky business, as there were chances that a mistake could crash the server. This is no longer an issue since the creation of the /setspawner script. ...
Bloodmoon- A bloodmoon is set to appear at a 1% chance every night. When this happens, you cannot sleep, mob spawns are quadrupled, and the spawn radius from players removed, meaning mobs can spawn right next to you. Be extremely careful when this event happens. ...
刷怪笼控制修改(Mob Spawner Control)mod提供了非常多关于修改刷怪笼的配置文件。 不修改配置文件的默认情况是,一个刷怪笼产出100个实体后自动被破坏掉。 可以修改刷怪笼以下内容: 能产出多少实体, 产出实体完毕后是停止工作还是自动被破坏掉, 让刷怪笼忽视一些刷怪条件(比如光照等级), ...
better_spawner-1.0.jar Supported Versions 1.7.10 Curse Maven Snippet Curse Maven is a repository that simplifies including packages in projects Forge implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:better-mob-spawner-821694:4379299") Copy to clipboard Curse Maven does not yet support mods that have disabled 3r...
作弊giveessentials.itemspawn.meta-head允许生成怪物的头Allows spawning of mob heads.作弊giveessentials....