預設為「mobspell」。 ReapplicationDelay (integer):每過這個標籤所包含的刻數,處於效果半徑中的玩家將會被附加效果。預設為20。 Radius (float):指定了效果的作用半徑。隨時間改變。 RadiusPerTick (float):每刻作用半徑增加/減小的長度。預設為-0.005f。 RadiusOnUse (float):當效果作用與實體時半徑增加/減小...
默认为“mobspell”。 ReapplicationDelay (integer):每过这个标签所包含的刻数,处于效果半径中的玩家将会被附加效果。默认为20。 Radius (float):指定了效果的作用半径。随时间改变。 RadiusPerTick (float):每刻作用半径增加/减小的长度。默认为-0.005f。 RadiusOnUse (float):当效果作用与实体时半径增加/减小...
[x] - `mobAvoidanceCoefficient`: 设置为1.0以有效禁用此功能。[x] - `mobAvoidanceRadius`: 避免生物的半径。[x] - `mobSpawnerAvoidanceCoefficient`: 设置为1.0以有效禁用此功能。[x] - `mobSpawnerAvoidanceRadius`: 避免怪物刷怪笼的距离。[x] **Visualization and Interaction(可视化和交互):** - `pre...
·radius:等级依赖函数,表示爆炸半径。 ·create_fire:布尔值,表示爆炸点周围是否会生成火焰。 ·block_interaction:爆炸于方块是如何交互的。可以为如下之一: ·none:无效果。 ·block:如同一个方块引发了该爆炸。blockExplosionDropDecay游戏规则将影响方块被爆炸影响时的掉落概率。 ·mob:如同一个生物造成了爆炸。mo...
Mob Panic radius Zombie, Husk, Drowned, Zombie Villager, Vex 8 Vindicator, Zoglin 10 Evoker, Illusioner, Ravager 12 Pillager 15 ZombiesMain articles: Siege and ZombieZombies, zombie villagers, husks, and drowned seek out and attack villagers within a 35– to 52.5–block radius (depending...
The Breeze is a cunning, hostile mob that can spawn via Trial Spawner in some rooms within ...
mob-spawn-range: 6 entity-activation-range: animals: 16 monsters: 24 raiders: 48 misc: 8 water: 16 villagers: 24 flying-monsters: 24 merge-radius: exp: 4.0 item: 6.0 tick-inactive-villagers: false nerf-spawner-mobs: true arrow-despawn-rate: 300 ...
Bloodmoon- A bloodmoon is set to appear at a 1% chance every night. When this happens, you cannot sleep, mob spawns are quadrupled, and the spawn radius from players removed, meaning mobs can spawn right next to you. Be extremely careful when this event happens. ...
"effect.botania.emptiness.description": "Prevents mob natural mob spawning in a 128 block radius around the affected entity", "effect.botania.feather_feet.description": "Negated damaged cause by falling. This effect doesn't prevent fall damage from other causes like Ender Pearls", "effect.botan...
per-player-mob-spawns: true(default false) prevents mob farms from hogging all spawns max-entity-collisions: 4(default 8) improved cow farm performance bed-search-radius: 2(default 1) make it harder to accidentally obstruct your bed container-update-tick-rate: 4(default 1) ...