micewerewellbredinourlabforninegenerationsandtotally400offspringwereobtained.Thetumor biologicalfeaturewasobviousinMMTV—PyMTmice.palpableMastadenomaoccurin9weekoldand pulmonarymetastasiswasoccurin11weeksold.Numberandsizeoftumorsincreasedwhenthemicegrow up.ConclusionsTheMMTV-PyMTtransgenicmousemodelwaswellkeptandbred,...
Methods: MTT assay was performed to evaluate the growth inhibitory rate of SKBR-3; The MMTV-PyMT transgenic mice model was performed to observe the protection effect in carcinogenesis of JHC in vivo. Results: JHC showed significantly inhibition effect on the prolifera...
micewashigherthanthatintheMMTVPyMTmice,assessedbyimmunofluorescenceandWesternblotanalysis.Conclu sionsTransgenicmousemodelsofspontaneousbreastcancerwithsimultaneouslyoverexpressingClC3aresuccessfullyes tablished.ThedoubletransgenicmiceprovideagoodanimalmodelforfurtherresearchofClC3intumorgrowthandmetas ...
Breast Cancer Research (2023) 25:74 Page 5 of 17 Fig. 1 Rhamm-loss in MMTV-PyMT transgenic mice increases lung metastasis without affecting primary mammary tumor initiation, incidence or size. A Comparison of RHAMM mRNA expression in breast cancer subtypes (Breast Invasive Carcinoma, TCGA,...
图 4 ClC-3 在小鼠肺中的表达Note.Compare tothe negative mice,MMTV-PyMT transgenic mice* P0.05,M 14、MTV-PyMT/CLCN3*P CLCN3 IRES/eGFP,稳定克隆到目的载体上,经过胚胎显微注射法得到稳定遗传且高度表达的转基因小鼠,经鼠尾提取基因组NA、再PCR扩增目的片段,准确快速的检测到CLCN3基因高表达,而且在繁殖...
The distribution, clearance, and safety of an anti-MMP-9 DNAzyme in normal and MMTV-PyMT transgenic mice 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 45 作者:MA Hallett,P Dalal,TW Sweatman,T Pourmotabbed 摘要: Catalytic oligonucleotides, known as DNAzymes, are a new class of nucleic acid-based ...
Fig. 2. GT198 vaccination delays tumor growth in MMTV-PyMT transgenic mice. A. A model of the study design. Human recombinant GST-GT198 inclusion body as antigen (100 μg) was subcutaneously injected in MMTV-PyMT mice, with tumor volume measured, and tail blood collected during 4–16 week...
Sharing both morphological and transcriptional features with the human disease [10] and resembling the human luminal B subtype of breast cancer on gene expression profiles [9], the MMTV-PyMT transgenic mice provide us a reliable animal model for breast cancer progression. The primary tumors ...
et al. Pleiotropic functions of the tumor- and metastasis-suppressing matrix metalloproteinase-8 in mammary cancer in MMTV-PyMT transgenic mice. Breast Cancer Res 17, 38 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13058-015-0545-8 Download citation Received09 September 2014 Accepted03 March 2015 Published...
The tumor biological feature was obvious in MMTV-PyMT mice, palpable Mast adenoma occur in 9 week old and pulmonary metastasis was occur in 11 weeks old.Number and size of tumors increased when the mice grow up. Conclusions The MMTV-PyMT transgenic mouse model was well kept and bred, bre...