mitophagy 释义 n. 线粒体自噬
Compromised clearance of dysfunctional mitochondria, through the process of mitophagy, has garnered attention as an essential contributor to aging and neurodegeneration. Schmid and colleagues1 reveal that genetic enhancement of mitophagy via neuronal overexpression of BNIP3 alleviates brain aging and prolongs...
mitophagy 线粒体自噬(mitophagy)是 2018 年公布的生物物理学名词。 释义: 选择性地隔离和降解受损伤或不完整线粒体的自噬方式。参与 维持线粒体网络功能的完整性和细胞的稳态。 ©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
Here, the authors show that mitochondrial hyperfusion blunts mitophagy during the disease process, and that rescuing this process pharmacologically confers retinal neuroprotection independent of an improved glycaemic status in type-1 diabetic mice. Aidan Anderson , Nada Alfahad & Jose R. Hombrebueno ...
Mitophagy的调控对维持线粒体的功能和稳态起到至关重要的作用。正常的mitophagy可以清除受损和老化的线粒体,防止其释放有害物质并损害细胞内其他细胞器和分子。此外,mitophagy还可以通过调整线粒体的数量和功能来满足细胞的能量需求。然而,当mitophagy调控失衡时,线粒体的功能和稳态将受到影响。 一些疾病和病理状态与mito...
Mitophagy Detection Kit是低分子荧光试剂的自噬检出试剂盒。通常情况下,观察自噬是需要pH传感器荧光蛋白在细胞中表达出来。但是,本试剂盒不需要荧光蛋白表达,通过简单操作便可观察自噬。 ◆特点 ● 使用低分子荧光试剂便可简便检出自噬 ●适用于荧光显微镜活细胞成像 ...
First, mitophagy is controlled by two proteins; PTEN-induced protein kinase 1 (PINK1), a serine/threonine protein kinase, and Parkin, an E3 ubiquitin ligase. In unstimulated conditions, PINK1 is normally transported to the inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) via the TOM and TIM protein transporter...
Mitophagy (the selective degradation of mitochondria through autophagy) is the process that removes damaged or dysfunctional mitochondria with the aim to maintain their functions and integrity. From:Free Radical Biology and Medicine,2021 Also in subject areas: ...
Cells have evolved several molecular signaling pathways to eliminate defective organelles and adjust their mitochondrial pool in response to environmental and/or intracellular stimuli. Hence, different signals can promote mitophagy via multiple signaling cascades in distinct cellular contexts. Although mitophagy...