[22:08:00] [main/INFO] [OptiForge/]: - Add a transformer: io.github.zekerzhayard.optiforge.asm.transformers.net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.ItemFrameRendererTransformer[22:08:00] [main/INFO] [OptiForge/]: Add 1 transformer(s) totally.[22:08:00] [main/INFO] [OptiForge/]: - ...
Added the “extend_player_rendering” camera component which allows for players (and any entities they are connected to through riding and leashes) to be rendered even if they are beyond the max entity render distance 加入了extend_player_rendering相机视角组件,允许玩家(以及通过骑乘和拴绳相连接的生...
Actual distance depends on client-side render distance and entity distance scalling. Default value 1.0 (roughly the same as fireball) view_range - 此实体的最大可视范围。实际距离也取决于客户端的渲染距离和实体渲染距离。默认值为1.0(与火球大致相同) shadow_radius - size of shadow. Defaults to 0 ...
Non-persistent mobs around spectators will check for distance to any non-spectators when deciding if...
fabric-entity-events-v1: Fabric Entity Events (v1) 1.2.4+3cc0f0907dfabric-events-interaction-v0: Fabric Events Interaction (v0) 0.4.5+3cc0f0907dfabric-events-lifecycle-v0: Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0) 0.2.2+3cc0f0907dfabric-game-rule-api-v1: Fabric Game Rule API (v1) 1.0.7...
【IOS】【0.6...转自mc官方论坛点击“只看楼主”来更简洁的看到所有的mod去雾(注意删除空格)https://drop box.com/u/6889 8649/0.6.1mods/No.Fog.mod增加渲染距离https://drop box.com/u/6889 8649/0.6.1mods/Render.Distance.Increase.mod
at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_181560_a(EntityRenderer.java:1457) [buq.class:...
-Entity Step -Step 自动跳上方块的高度 Safe Walk 在方块边缘启用潜行行走 Speed 加速 -Modes 根据服务器反作弊插件选用模式 -Bhop 跳跑 -Vhop 快速的跳跑 -LowHop 速度较慢的跳跑 -Vanilla 原版 -Antishake 防手抖动 -Speed 速度调整 -Boost 在原有的速度上加倍 ...