星光 mcmod:https://www.mcmod.cn/class/3303.html Starlight x Create mcmod:https://www.mcmod.cn/class/5335.html 18.Better Fps - Render Distance Better Fps - Render Distance 此mod并非1.8.9版本"更好的FPS"的高版本移植,而是通过将Minecraft原本的"方形渲染"更改为了"...
现代化修复 ModernFix(Fabric/Forge 1.16.5—1.20.2)修复错误以提高 Minecraft 的性能 Bedrodium(Fabric 1.17.1—1.20.1) 需要钠作为前置,移除基岩的不可见侧面进行细小的优化 (非官方Forge版 Bocchium国创1.16.5—1.20.1)
- Render Distance: 8 Chunks (This is not optional!) - Enable Sound: This map has voice acting and custom sounds - Alternate Blocks: ON (Check video settings) - 2GB RAM or higher allocated to Minecraft - A good Processor (This game is very CPU heavy) - Avoid using custom Fonts3...
The Xaero’s Minimap mod was released in 2017 byxaero96on CurseForge, which obtained over 37 million downloads. The mod supports Minecraft Forge 1.7.10 to 1.19 and Fabric 1.14.4 to 1.19 versions and is mainly client-sided, but can be installed on the server too. There are tons of settin...
若想重置全部配置,最快的方法是删除配置文件,后重新启动Minecraft游戏本体,配置文件会自动生成。 除了直接在配置文件中修改之外,打开游戏,点击主菜单的Mod按钮,找到魔戒mod后点击config按钮,在这里也可以修改配置。 维度IDdimension { I:"Dimension ID: MiddleEarth"=100 I:"Dimension ID: Utumno"=101 }上述设置...
【IOS】【0.6...转自mc官方论坛点击“只看楼主”来更简洁的看到所有的mod去雾(注意删除空格)https://drop box.com/u/6889 8649/0.6.1mods/No.Fog.mod增加渲染距离https://drop box.com/u/6889 8649/0.6.1mods/Render.Distance.Increase.mod
SetBlockEntityParticlePosOffset 客户端 设置自定义方块实体中粒子特效位置偏移值,用于调整粒子特效相对于方块位置的偏移。与特效/粒子/SetPos接口不同,该接口调整的是相对于方块位置的位置偏移值,而不是世界坐标。 SetBlockRenderDistance 客户端 设置玩家周围方块的可渲染距离#...
MINECRAFT 1.20.1 Render Distance 12 Chunks Max Shadow Distance 8 Chunks Simulation Distance 12 Chunks VSync Off ❌ Max Framerate Unlimited Graphics Fancy Mods used (On the latest version of the pack for NeoForge) Performance Mods: Sodium (Adding the efficient rendering engine.) Ksyxis (Speeds...
Recommended allocated RAM: 8-10 GB normally, or 10-16 GB for those with Shaders, high render distance, increased video settings, HD resource packs. If you don't know how you can allocate more RAM to Minecraft, here is a handytutorialfor it. ...
Optifine is one of the most commonly recognized mods amongst the Minecraft community–and for good reasons. Widely regarded as one of the few mods that