Added the “extend_player_rendering” camera component which allows for players (and any entities they are connected to through riding and leashes) to be rendered even if they are beyond the max entity render distance 加入了extend_player_rendering相机视角组件,允许玩家(以及通过骑乘和拴绳相连接的生...
Damage Types are a new registry that can be extended through data packs. A Damage Type determines how damage is handledby the game. This includes which attributes the damage has as well as which death message is used when an entity diesdue to that type of damage. 伤害类型是一种全新的注册...
【IOS】【0.6...转自mc官方论坛点击“只看楼主”来更简洁的看到所有的mod去雾(注意删除空格)https://drop box.com/u/6889 8649/0.6.1mods/No.Fog.mod增加渲染距离https://drop box.com/u/6889 8649/0.6.1mods/Render.Distance.Increase.mod
Non-persistent mobs around spectators will check for distance to any non-spectators when deciding if...
-Extended Tooltips 在提示框上显示功能名称 -Search 高亮显示搜索到的功能 Crosshair+ 更改十字准星 -Outline 准星周围添加黑色轮廓 -Dot 中间加个点 -Gap 十字准线距离中间的缝隙大小 -Size 十字准线的长度 -Width 十字准线的粗细 -Color 十字准线的颜色 ...
Extend the client's render distance by sending chunks downloaded previously back to the client Overview map of chunks that have been saved: Requirements Java 21 or higher Minecraft version 1.12.2+ // 1.13.2+ // 1.14.1+ // 1.15.2+ // 1.16.2+ // 1.17+ // 1.18+ // 1.19.3+ // ...
A: Yes. Although currently the mod is only client side so you have to explore chunks for the mod to use them. Extended FAQ: Discord: Join our Discord for news, updates, and help: discord.com/invite/xAB8G4cENx Support us: If you want to help with development, join our discord and...
"minecraft:material_instances": { "*": { "texture":"custom_texture", "ambient_occlusion": false, "face_dimming": false, "render_method": "alpha_test" } } Example (using faces and a custom named material instance)JSON 复制 "minecraft:material_instances": { "*":...
Set your render distance to 5 chunks or greater. Run /function pregen:config Select your origin point. Usually you want this to be 0,0 but if you want to generate terrain centered far from 0,0, you can change it here. Select the radius. This is not a circular radius but simply the...