Better FPS Render Distance is a mod which adds a few performance improvements to increase fps.This is the forge version of Better Render distances, for the Fabric version click here: Fabric Render distance: By default minecraft renders everything in a square radius(cylinder in 1.18), this is ...
This server side Fabric mod fixes the fog when having a higher render distance on the client than on the server. The server tricks the client into thinking that it has the same render distance as the client. Screenshots Without the mod Server render distance 10, client render distance 16 Wit...
BetterFPS-render-distance更好的FPS-渲染距离 {需要修改fabric.mod.json} 优化mod Item Model Fix物品模型修复 {无需修改}*只是对物品在手上的材质纹理修复 In-Game Account Switcher游戏内账号切换 {需要修改fabric.mod.json}*支持微软登录! 确定不可使用的优化mod: 锂Lithium*因为他对mc的物理系统和生物行为进行...
打开屏幕: 如果这里看不懂的话,可以去查看之前的按键Event教程。 @OnlyIn(Dist.CLIENT)@SubscribeEventpublicstaticvoidKeyboardInputEvent(InputEvent.KeyInputEventevent){Minecraftmc=Minecraft.getInstance();PlayerEntityplayer=mc.player;if(player==null)return;if(ModKeyBinding.STORE_MENU.consumeClick()){setScreen...
public voidmodifyFogRender(Camera camera,FogRenderer.FogMode mode,float renderDistance,float partialTick,float nearDistance,float farDistance,FogShape shape){RenderSystem.setShaderFogStart(1f);RenderSystem.setShaderFogEnd(6f);}});}} 创建ModFluidType类 ...
Simply put, it add simplified terrain past Minecraft's default view distance to improve performance and allow for longer draw distances. Now you can finally enjoy that lookout tower you built on top of a mountain! This photo was taken with a Minecraft render distance of 12 and a mod distan...
NeoForge - Physics Mod 3.0.24 Minecraft 1.21.2-Minecraft 1.21.3 Fabric - Physics Mod 3.0.21 Forge - Physics Mod 3.0.21 NeoForge - Physics Mod 3.0.21 Minecraft 1.20.5 - 1.20.6 Fabric - Physics Mod 3.0.14 Forge - Physics Mod 3.0.14 ...
Render Distance Chunks: 8Mipmaps: 4Anisotropic Filtering: 1Antialiasing: 0Multitexture: falseShaders: BSL v8.0.01 kaniol汉化 修改.zipOpenGlVersion: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 462.80OpenGlRenderer: GeForce GTX 1060/PCIe/SSE2OpenGlVendor: NVIDIA CorporationCpuCount: 12-- OptiFabric --Details:OptiFine jar ...
1.6. So you don't have to downgrade the mod to still use it.Servermode is the best option for most cases because the server automatically controls your map selection based on server-side level IDs. It requires the mod to be installed on the server side. If changing the map selection ...
Warning: Setting the position of a camera to an area of the world that isn't loaded is not a supported scenario, though there is not a plan currently to programmatically prevent it. The chunks of the world will still only load if the player is nearby and the device's render distance op...