The Bobby mod aims to extend your render distance beyond your server’s limit without compromising the performance even a bit. It records and stores all the chunks the server sends beforehand to achieve this task. This helps Bobby in displaying all the chunks that were stored previously at time...
912 Allow vertical render distance up to 64 when OptiFine is installed, fix render distance above 32 when OptiFine is installed (commit a31e9c8fa61c9b5323b68270f0f4d5918e7a91a6) 913 Fix Minecraft hanging when entities teleport in cubic chunks end. (commit 754a0b4e96f5495c0146214ceb7e27fc...
MC-227520- Overworld Fossils always generate at bedrock level MC-227520- 主世界的化石总是生成在...
Bedrock Edition: NameIdentifierNumeric ID FormItem ID[i 1]Translation key Leaves (oak, spruce, birch and jungle) leaves 18 Block & Giveable Item[i 2] Identical[i 3] Leaves (acacia and dark oak) ...
This modpack aims to be what Minecraft would be like if it was made on the PS1. It includes bad render distance, fog, warping graphics, 2D item models, graphics and sounds from the alpha days, 2D billboarding objects, and more. In the spirit of the creepy atmosphere that many PS1 ...
After approx 1 hour with no shaders, render distance and simulation distance at minimum: GPU usage is in the norm (60-70%) and it starts to go down as the fps go down and become inconsistent (15% to 100% and back to 20%). Once I had a BSOD while playing, it was ...
When you are in the Nether later, set "Cave Mode Type" to Full. The cave mode type is stored per dimension, so you can set it to Full for any nether-like dimension and keep it on OFF for anything else. You can also switch between displaying below and above bedrock roof by toggling...
不少mod没有活过1.12.2诶QwQ 助力每一个奄奄一息的mod(bushi) 自己搓代码的时候查映射用的 懒得仔细整理了 并且没有排序 应该不会有人仔细读它叭(? 打开搜索 要啥搜啥就行qwq 如果有这方面需求的话建议收藏一下这个→ ...
After approx 1 hour with no shaders, render distance and simulation distance at minimum: GPU usage is in the norm (60-70%) and it starts to go down as the fps go down and become inconsistent (15% to 100% and back to 20%). Once I had ...
MINECRAFT: BEDROCK EDITION 1.20.60 Minecraft 基岩版 1.20.60 A new update for Minecraft is ...