Better FPS Render Distance is a mod which adds a few performance improvements to increase fps.This is the forge version of Better Render distances, for the Fabric version click here: Fabric Render distance: By default minecraft renders everything in a square radius(cylinder in 1.18), this is ...
Better Fps - Render Distance[Forge] (by someaddon) Better Third Person (by Socolio) Better Villages - Forge (by jtl_elisa) Better Villages - Ice and Fire Compatibility (by jtl_elisa) Better Villages - More Villagers Compatibility (by jtl_elisa) Biomancy (by Elenterius) Biome Particle Weath...
在之前的教程里有提到过绑定按键,这里就不细说直接上代码。 ModKeyBinding: publicstaticfinalKeyBindingSTORE_MENU=newModKeyBinding("activate_store_menu",KeyConflictContext.IN_GAME,KeyModifier.NONE,82,"key.categories.additionalutilities"); 打开屏幕: 如果这里看不懂的话,可以去查看之前的按键Event教程。 @On...
public voidmodifyFogRender(Camera camera,FogRenderer.FogMode mode,float renderDistance,float partialTick,float nearDistance,float farDistance,FogShape shape){RenderSystem.setShaderFogStart(1f);RenderSystem.setShaderFogEnd(6f);}});}} 创建ModFluidType类 在ModFluidTypes类中加入如下的代码。 import
Forge - Physics Mod 3.0.14 NeoForge - Physics Mod 3.0.14 Minecraft 1.20.2 Fabric - Physics Mod 3.0.11 Forge - Physics Mod 3.0.10 Minecraft 1.19.3 Fabric - Physics Mod 2.12.5 Forge - Physics Mod 2.12.5 Minecraft 1.18.2 Fabric - Physics Mod 2.12.5 ...
This photo was taken with a Minecraft render distance of 12 and a mod distance of 512. If you want to see a quick demo, check out the latest update video Hey, Hey you! This is important! The version support numbers are strict! If a version says it supports MC 1.18.1 it will ...
net.minecraftforge.common.util.Constants$NBT■■■net.minecraft.nbt.Tag net.minecraft.util.EnumHand■■■ "addCrashSection(String sectionName, Object value) addDetail(String nameIn, ICrashReportDetail setDetail(String p...
Increased maximum render distance to 36 for Xbox Series consoles 将Xbox Series 主机的最大渲染距离提升至 36 个区块 Updated the missing tile texture to a dirt block with brown question mark 将数据丢失方块的纹理变为带有棕色问号的泥土 The Lead item now renders correctly when the “Hide Hand” opti...
[01:01:16] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/IntegratedServer]: Changing view distance to 7, from 10[01:01:19] [Render thread/FATAL] []: Preparing crash report with UUID 5be5feff-5e65-40c0-b9a5-e27f03b4de15[01:01:20] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/Minecraft...
Warning: Setting the position of a camera to an area of the world that isn't loaded is not a supported scenario, though there is not a plan currently to programmatically prevent it. The chunks of the world will still only load if the player is nearby and the device's render distance op...