Check theexamplesfolder for examples. Press 'F1' on the pause menu to access the DLL menu (only on OpenGL), it contains options to change the render distance and remove the boundary. How to uninstall: Verify the game on Steam. Or restore the originalpros.sdk.x64.dllfile if you have ma...
Penumbra fixes all of this by being a runtime mod loader - when the game goes to load a model or texture, Penumbra intercepts that and checks if you have a mod enabled and applying to the target character. There are a lot of ways to control who the mods apply to, and you can ...
, "canvasrender" , "incanvas" , "reload" , "isw" , "ui" , "touchpoint" , "swipetimeout" , "onresize" , "ontouchstart" , "onmouseup" , "ontouchmove" , "cancelable" , "ontouchend" , "swipedistance" , "removehandlers" , "distelement" , "setorientationstyle" , "paddingbottom"...
, "renderinteractiveforms" , "scrollmodeonload" , "context" , "spreadmodeonload" , "_basecanvasfactory" , "useonlycsszoom" , "_this" , "ownerdocument" , "_ref$ownerdocument" , "globalthis" , "_super" , "cmappacked" , "cmapurl" , "disableautofetch" , "_document" , "createelement"...
, "moddate" , "trapped" , "docinfo" , "pdfformatversion" , "islinearized" , "isacroformpresent" , "isxfapresent" , "iscollectionpresent" , "collection" , "infodict" , "customvalue" , "custom" , "hash" , "idarray" , "calculatemd5" , "fingerprintbuf" , "hex" , "_get...
, "moddate" , "trapped" , "docinfo" , "pdfformatversion" , "islinearized" , "isacroformpresent" , "isxfapresent" , "iscollectionpresent" , "collection" , "infodict" , "customvalue" , "custom" , "hash" , "idarray" , "calculatemd5" , "fingerprintbuf" , "hex" , "_get...