connecting myself to the floor beneath me, and to the present, to what isactuallyhere. When I can see my mind jumping from A to Z, I can remind myself that I am only at A, or maybe B. I don’t have to live at Z. I can come back...
1. Perel, E. (2007).Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence.New York, NY: Harper. 2. Metz, M. E., & McCarthy, B. W. (2007). The “Good-Enough Sex” model for couple sexual satisfaction.Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 22(3), 351–362. 3. Johnson, S. (2015...
The inter- ventions had three types: mindfulness-based stress reduc- tion, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, and others (i.e., mindfulness meditation, mindful breathing, mindfulness- integrated cognitive behavior therapy). Table 3 presents an overview of the characteristics of the included ...
I hear you. What we experience in any moment isn't always ideal. But let me give an example. Imagine a child or partner needs attention. If we focus on them, we're practicing attentional control, and our mind is...
I’ve read several books on mindfulness but none of it has ever touched me like yours. We can feel youy empathy and your will to help through every word. I totally think that your book can change people’s life, and I feel very grateful to have found it on my way. ...
Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 48, 192–199. Article PubMed Google Scholar Desrosiers, A., Klemanski, D. H., & Nolen-Hoeksema, S. (2013). Mapping mindfulness facets onto dimensions of anxiety and depression. Behavior ...
I am guided by the idea that the map is not the territory and all these modalities are beautiful and useful maps but I never want the map to be in the way of what is actually happening in the arising moment in front of me. Therapy is a mysterious, alive, improvisational dance with li...
The first offering of ourMindfulness-Awareness Meditation Instructor Training Course (MAMITC)finished the year (September 2022- August 2023) with four graduates: (Left to right: Chaw Su, Counsellor and Owner of The Therapy Nest; Dan Walker, PhD, Associate Professor, Ocean and Naval Architectural ...
And then it hit me. Getting out of bed around 10 pm on January 21stI got dizzy, fell toward the floor near my bathroom, and my son me ordered an ambulance to rush me to the hospital. I had suffered no bodily injury, thank God, but the intake personnel at Bryn Mawr Hospital discover...
Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT). Mindful Self-Compassion Training (MSC). Mindfulness pioneer Jon Kabot-Zinn said, “The richness of present-moment experience is the richness of life itself. Too often we let our thinking and our beliefs about what we ‘know’ prevent us from seeing...