connecting myself to the floor beneath me, and to the present, to what isactuallyhere. When I can see my mind jumping from A to Z, I can remind myself that I am only at A, or maybe B. I don’t have to live at Z. I can come back...
Usually the mind is very active when we feel this way. It’s often preoccupied with doubt - Will I ever be with anyone again? With sadness - why me? Withanxiety- should I change my hair? With desperation - I’ll take anyone! And probably a fair bit of indignation too - it’s not...
The therapist and the statistician remained blinded to the outcome data until the trial was completed and analyzed. Interventions The online, group-based mindfulness and self-compassion intervention was a psychological and behavioral training integrating elements of MBSR and MSC. This involved weekly, ...
and her positive outlook on life. She drew energy from everything around her and especially the waters and trees of Stradbroke Island. She once commented, “I need to be near water, otherwise I shrivel up”. Her life was a simple life that made a difference in the lives of the...
Learning can be done in private or small group sessions or one-to-one. I also offer an 8-week online course called "Mindfulness Now". Please contact me for more details. My background in counselling and hypnotherapy As a qualified and experienced Counsellor and Clinical Hypnotherapist I have...
The intrusive thoughts I’ve had since at least my early 20’s (am 40 now) and luckily I have finally found a therapist who is helping me address them. I’m finally at the point where I am able to recognize them just as thoughts, I refer to them as “faulty coping mechanisms” as...
She explained her situation to him, he understood and suggested she talk to a therapist. The doctor was concerned and checked on her continuously. He gave his full support to help her with her goals. He even helped her find some new clients, and even opened an account with her. She ...
breathing slowly and deeply through my nose. There is some back and forth between my mind and my thoughts, as my mind tries to focus on the moment while my thoughts race around trying to distract me. Then I hear something that’s always there but I hardly ever notice: the ticking of ...
Have you ever been tempted to say after a disappointing experience, a breakup, or poor performance, something like, "It didn’t matter to me anyway?” Our tendency to numb our feelings is a common coping tactic. We may turn to electronic devices when we’restressedor scrollInstagram...
anxiety and dread-casting of incipientdementia,angerat that unmasked dope on the plane who coughed all over his seatmates through a flight three years ago. (But enough about me.) It can be hard to sit calmly through all that, trying to coax the monkeys back into...