places to plant milkweed and other vegetation that are important to the life cycle of West Coast monarch butterflies. It also brought out the gentler side of some of the prisoners. “They were very worried that they were going to harm the butterflies, "James says. Watching the monarch butter...
Monarch Butterfly Host Plant: The primary food source for monarch butterfly caterpillars. Without milkweed, monarchs cannot complete their life cycle. Pollinator Powerhouse: Attracts a wide range of pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, with its abundant nectar. Wildlife Value:...
she was seeing fewer and fewer butterflies and milkweed on her travels. In the last twenty years the butter population has declined by about 90 percent as a result of the loss of milkweed a native plant that monarch butterflies need as part of their life cycle...
I read your information about milkweeds for monarchs and that milkweed was the only plant they lay their eggs on – to which I would have agreed until last Fall. I was pulling out my tomato plants upon the finishing of the growing season. Was fortunate enough to spot a beautiful green cr...
monarch butterflies feed exclusively on milkweed plants, herbaceous perennials in the genusAsclepias. The relationship between monarchs and milkweed is perhaps the best-known example of specialization. As specialized feeders, monarch caterpillars require a specific host plant—milkweeds—on which to feed....
The bug may also be found on other parts of the plant, especially on the stem and between the stem and the petioles of leaves. Inspect the plant by shaking flowering heads into a suitable container or onto a beat sheet. Repeat for at least 10 randomly selected sunflowers across the field...
Think about that for a moment a two cent investment and a moment to plant a single seed can provide a lifetime of food and shelter for a Monarch Caterpillar and the starting point for a 1500 mile migration. A miracle of Nature right in your back yard and your opportunity for a personal...
They feed on the seed pods but don’t do any damage to the plant itself (or the caterpillars). Pretty harmless insects. They also don’t stick around for long (short life cycle) so it’s best to just live with them. Reply Misti says: February 17, 2017 at 2:07 pm I was ...
Swallowwort density was a significant predictor of plant traits in the field. In the greenhouse, interspecific competition was more intense than intraspecific competition, with negative impacts of milkweed density on swallowwort growth. Although its trait variability allows it to survive in many ...
so I am guessing about who is laying eggs by how the eggs are laid. I thought that the eggs I had seen up until today had all been laid in the usual manner—on the under side of leaves near the top of the plant. Since that is the most common way for eggs to be laid, they co...