Horseradish has a long growing season, and you can’t start using it until one year after planting. Also, this root must grow in a climate where the fall and winter are fairly cold. It’s adaptable and tough, but providing the proper growing conditions will produce the biggest, sweetest, ...
Native American tribes have long utilized the plant for various medicinal purposes. The first collected samples of milkweed plants were sent to Europe during the 1500s and 1600s by English explorers. The name Asclepias comes from the Greek word for medicine. ...
you're no doubt in a battle against weeds. Those pesky pain-in-the-you-know-whats for both people and plants cause many of us to turn to hardware store shelves for chemical-based weed killers. While it's true they pack a strong punch and do the trick, they can also cause a lot mo...
It’s also been found to do more harm than good. When grown in warm climates where the plants don’t die back, the year-round tropical milkweed encourages monarch butterflies to overwinter in the Southern United States rather than continue their migration to Mexico. By hatching and feeding ...
Q. Yes, they’re good. See it didn’t take me long to derail us off weeds onto ornamental things that give a tropical feel [laughter]. I love foliage plants. So a weed is a plant in the wrong place, or an unwanted place. You said you and France Royer have co-authored some wildf...
The idea of adding more wildlife-friendly plants while gradually removing less helpful ones, then, appeals to my sensibilities much more than declaring chemical and mechanical warfare to clear the land—and, in at least some cases, it can be more effective in the long term. Here are a few ...
many ways it can be utilized in your garden. The name of this shrub can not be ignored. This is one of the best plants you can grow in your garden that will attract butterflies. If it is your goal toattract more butterfliesand other pollinators, plant some coneflower, or milkweed ...
If you are fortunate enough to live on the Monarch migration route, take extra steps to welcome these endangered beauties. Be sure to add milkweed to your butterfly garden as it is the only plant their plump, black, and yellow-striped caterpillar babies will eat. PinPhoto Credit: Instagram...
In accordance with theLinnaeus method, scientists classify the animals, as they do the plants, on the basis of shared physical characteristics. They place them in a hierarchy of groupings, beginning with the kingdom animalia and proceeding through phyla, classes, orders, families, genera and spec...
These small and tiny (size-wise about 1/8 of an inch and oval in shape), lice-like insects, with pear-shaped bodies and long antennae come in a variety of colors: light green, pink, white aphids, brown, red aphids, yellow-gray, gray, and black aphids. Where Do Aphids Live? You’...