Days to maturity Reset 60 to 80 days (2) 100 to 140 Days (2) 1 to 2 years (3) Flower Category Reset Aster (1) Bergamot (1) Coreopsis (1) Milkweed (5) Primrose (1) Flower Mixes (1) Special Characteristics Reset Easy to Grow (1) Deer Resitant (3) Pollinator Frien...
Posttranscriptional knockdown ofDnmt1affects egg production following the first 10 days post-injection. By 10–12 days, females injected withds-dnmt1-1have mainly stopped laying eggs. While ovaries dissected from control females at this stage have intact eggs in the oviduct, the oviducts ofds-dnm...
The butterflies had ad libitum access to 20% honey water in petri dishes in their cages. Ten days post-emergence, we removed all adults from the environmental chambers and performed dissections (as described by Oberhauser and Hampton 1995 [54]). For males, we weighed the ejaculatory duct ...
To verify knockdown in adults, 4 μg of dsRNA was administered on day 5 and the brain-corpora allata complex, the epidermis, the fat body and the ovaries were collected three days later. Tissues from three adults were pooled. cDNA was synthesized using 0.25 μg and 1 μg of...