The microfluidic-based design of the Flip-Flop gate. (a) The design and geometry of the Flip-Flop gate. (b) A snapshot at t = 0. (c) Series of snapshots of the function of the Flip-Flop gate from t = 2 ms to t = 11.4 ms, and the sequence of bubble formation ...
The reaction of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) and Anti-IgG results in a shift of resonance frequency. It was found that the response of the resonance frequency is sensitive to the IgG concentrations. Therefore, the SRR microfluidic scheme can be effectively used as an advanced bio-sensing device....
This paper describes a microfluidic-based flexible reflective display constructed using dyed water droplets and air gaps as pixel elements. Our display is composed of a flexible polydimethylsiloxane sheet with a connected pixel-patterned microchannel. Several types of dyed water droplets and air gaps ar...
Microfluidic-based mixing methods have aroused increasing attention due to their tremendous potential in bio-related and materials science fields. Achieving mixing based on microscale devices, microfluidic-based mixing methods offer several advantages over their macroscale device-based counterparts, such as ...
Microfluidic Device for Aptamer-based Cancer Cell Capture and Genetic Mutation Detection We present a microfluidic device for specifically capturing cancer cells and isolating their genomic DNA (gDNA) for specific amplification and sequence analysis. To capture cancer cells within the device, nucleic acid...
This paper describes a microfluidic-based telemedicine system for insulin detection and conveying the results digitally to physicians located off-site through the Internet. The communication infrastructure is designed to transfer the digital information from the assay site to established healthcare facilities...
microfluidic-based POC because of the ultra-small sample volumes. Another challenge is to merge the detection component with other fluid regulatory elements on a single platform. There are many prior art on microfluidic-based biosensors and this article does not review all. For those who are ...
Ext-loaded PLGA microspheres with good monodispersity were prepared using the microfluidic device.The critical quality attributes of peptide-loaded microspheres and their influencing factors were systematically studied.The designed microfluidic device had the capability to operate in a highly parallel manner....
Microfluidic chip fabrication Fabrication of the “My Circulating Tumour Cell Chip” (MyCTC chip) is based on the following procedure. A negative two-layer master mould of the microfluidic channels is prepared by standard SU-8 photoresist lithography on a 4” silicon wafer substrate. The first la...
Core-shell microparticle comprised of a previously unknown internal anisotropic structure and a spherical shell was fabricated by microfluidic-based emulsificaiton and photopolymerization. The interfacial and spatial 3D morphology of the anisotropic structure were observed by SEM and micro-CT respectively. ...