“Chronic pulmonary bacterial infection facilitates breast cancer lung metastasis by recruiting tumor-promoting MHCIIhi neutrophils”的研究论文,该研究首次证实慢性肺部细菌感染能促进乳腺癌的肺转移进程,并鉴定到一群名为MHCIIhi的中性粒细胞亚群在促进乳腺癌转移的过程中发挥着重要作用,结果表明,MHCIIhi中性粒细胞...
IF>39 |乳腺癌肺转移“凶手”——MHCIIhi中性粒细胞 乳腺癌常被称为“粉红杀手”,其发病率位居女性恶性肿瘤的首位。发生肺转移是乳腺癌患者死亡的重要原因,而乳腺癌肺转移的发生与压力、肥胖、吸烟等多种因素引起的慢性炎症密切相关,同时,肿瘤患者免疫防御能力减弱导致其容易遭受由病原菌引起的慢性肺部感染...
(hi) neutrophils into the lung,which exhibit cancer-promoting properties.Functionally,MHCII^(hi) neutrophils enhanced the lung metastasis of breast cancer in a cell-intrinsic manner.Furthermore,we identified CCL2 from lung tissues as an important environmental signal to recruit and maintain MHCII^(...
The expression of IL17 by myeloid cells, neutrophils, and macrophages has been previously reported (Song et al., 2008; Werner et al., 2011). Double labeling of IL17 and F4/80 on wound sections clearly showed the expression of IL17 by macrophages (Figure 4c) with a decrease in the ...