Version:2018.1 语言:中文 SpriteMeshType.FullRect 描述 等于用户指定的精灵大小的矩形网格。
Version:2019.1 Language:中文 enumeration Description 定义为精灵生成的网格类型。 Variables FullRect等于用户指定的精灵大小的矩形网格。 Tight基于像素 Alpha 值的紧密网格。尽可能多地裁剪多余像素。
如果需要自定制texture-space效果它能用于拉伸内部sprite的网格边缘。 Mesh Type属性用于Advanced mode.它能用于改变网格生成的类型:Full Rect 或 Tight(【PRO】) 增加了一个新的渲染组件:SpriteRenderer 渲染一个Sprite 不需要一个material去保存_MainTex纹理集合 使用Material属性块来使_MainTex对于active的Sprite带上正确...
[plus] Core: When resolving links with type FULL, and the chosen branch is not the latest branch, the query parameter for the branch will be added to the rendered link. [plus] Java Rest Client: Added new REST client implementation. The MeshRestOkHttpClientImpl implementation will replace the...
select faces in a rectagular region 选择在一个矩形区域的面 get info 获取信息*Fliters 滤清 apply filter 应用过滤器 show current filter script 显示当前筛选器脚本 --- selection 选择> cleaning and repairing 清洁与修复> create new mesh layer...
<proto>void * <name>eglGetVkObjectsVERSE</name></proto> EGLDisplay <name>dpy</name> EGLSurface <name>surface</name> - EDIT angle/scripts/ - Add to the last of variable 'supported_egl_extensions': "EGL_VERSE_vulkan_objects", - RUN: python scripts/run_code_generation....
PointLightNode, DirectionalLightNode and SpotLightNode all map to the Unity Light component (which will have its type set to the corresponding value). It's possible to set the basic parameters of these lights through the LightNode APIs. It's also possible to create Lights by hand thr...
Our implementation of HybridIK-type decoding yields virtually identical 3D met- rics, but comes at the cost of a drop in DensePose accuracy, as expected, hence we omit it from evaluations. 3.2.4 3D supervision In order to supervise the 3D coordinates of the low poly ...
Shown below is the mesh node shader, which is the new shader type introduced to make mesh nodes possible. Mesh node shaders must be compiled with shader targetlib_6_9. This doesn’t imply that mesh nodes will necessarily be part of final shader model6.9, but just that the “experimental...
Type_no = 2 for ν = 0 at the specified node Type_no = 3 for u = 0 and ν = 0 at the specified nodeIf no boundary conditions are to be assigned, set BC_Spec = 0 or [ ]. Task 2. It clarifies the type of the elasticity problem by IS_Plane as follows: IS_Plane = 1...