The most commonly used, IOMM-Lee, shows a high tumor take rate in subgroup analysis for both orthotopic models 87% (95% CI 95–98%) and heterotopic models 94% (90–96%), and it shows median survival of 10–27 days in orthotopic models, depending on the number of cells. In general...
This study aimed to evaluate factors affecting survival. METHODS. We performed a multi-institutional retrospective chart review study of patients with HGM (defined as grade 2 or 3 meningioma) whose tumor had undergone next-generation sequencing. Statistical testing was performed in Stata/MP version ...
Treatment of high-grade meningioma has remained a challenge due to their aggressive course, tendency to recur and low overall survival rates [4]. Drugs holding therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of these aggressive tumours are still lacking [2]. Here, we combined and analysed the transcriptome...
Finally, reoperations of multicentric–diffuse recurrences were significantly associated with better overall survival when compared to conservative treatment (no surgery) but showed lower rates of tumor control and higher rates of tumor progression and death than reoperations of local–peripheral recurrences...
Finally, in the multivariate analysis, although a correlation is seen between an increasing ki67 value and the mitotic index with increasing age, these parameters are not related to edema volume, the recurrence rate, the Simpson grade, or survival. 4. Discussion Therapeutical management of meningiom...