图形完成后,我们可用axis([xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax])函数来调整图轴的范围:axis([0, 6, -1.2, 1.2]);此外,MATLAB也可对图形加上各种注解与处理:xlabel('Input Value'); % x轴注解ylabel('Function Value'); % y轴注解title('Two Trigonometric Functions'); % 图形标题legend('y = sin(x)','y = c...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: Hello, I am trying to build a bar chart and to neatly represent the errors for both, the methods of Lagrange and linear spline, for interpolation. however whenever I run the code, I am getting bars that tend to infinty from below. ...
例2利用曲面对象绘制立体圆环r=linspace(0,2*pi,60);[u,v]=meshgrid(r);x=(8+3*cos(v)).*cos(u);y=(8+3*cos(v)).*sin(u);z=3*sin(v);axes('view',[-37.5,30])%建立坐标轴并且指定视点的位置hs=surface(x,y,z);axisequal; hs.EdgeColor='none';%设置曲面无网格线hs.FaceColor='inte...
imagesc() Y Axis Log Scale Not Working (Help!). Learn more about image; log scale; imagesc, image processing;
ans=get(gca,'XLabel'); set(ans,'String','Values of X axis'); (7)XLim、YLim、ZLim属性: 取值都是具有2个元素的数值向量。3个属性分别定义个坐标轴的上下限。缺省为[0,1]。 (8)XScale、YScale、ZScale属性: 取值都是’linear’(缺省值)或’log’,这些属性定义个坐标轴的刻度类型 (9)View属性: ...
caxis (伪)颜色轴刻度 cd 设置当前工作目录 cdf2rdf 复数对角型转换到实块对角型 ceil 朝正无穷大方向取整 cell 创建单元数组 char 创建字符串数组或者将其他类型 变量转化为字符串数组 charfcn Maple函数 Children 图形对象的子对象 clabel 等高线标注 class 判别数据类别 clc 清除指令窗中显示内容 clear 从内存...
Aha... The range of values is so small, the scale isn't as obviously log as the x-axis. But it is!! Thank you for your answer! Dimas Tiar2023년 6월 29일 Hi, How do I equalize the log scale in the y axis as it does in the x axis? How we make the y axis also on...
GO=barh(x,y,0.9,'EdgeColor','k','LineWidth',1);hTitle=title('Horizontal bar chart with logarithmic scale');hXLabel=xlabel('Number of nodes');hYLabel=ylabel('Province'); 4. 细节优化 为了插图的美观,将初始横向柱状图赋上之前选择的颜色: ...
set(ans,'String','Values of X axis'); 1. 2. (7)XLim、YLim、ZLim属性: 取值都是具有2个元素的数值向量。3个属性分别定义个坐标轴的上下限。缺省为[0,1]。 (8)XScale、YScale、ZScale属性: 取值都是’linear’(缺省值)或’log’,这些属性定义个坐标轴的刻度类型。
I would also like to better see the bins with the lowest number of counts, so I am also using log scale for the Y-axis. However, after normalization, the bins with the lowest counts are not shown in the final, normalized, Y-axis-log-scaled histogram. Such bins do not ha...