MATLAB is a beneficial tool for data visualization. It provides us with asemilogy()function that is used for creating the y-axis log scale plots keeping the x-axis as a linear scale. These plots are used for plotting the very large and very small positive values. These plots can also gra...
I did a bit more experimenting, and it appears to only be a problem if you set the Y axis limits to zero before changing the Y axis scale to log - matlab auto adjusts the plot but does not update the axes values. If the axis limit was set to zero automatically by matlab, the pro...
执行运算:根据用户选择的操作执行相应的算术运算。 显示结果:将运算结果显示给用户。 下面是 basic_calculator.m 的完整代码: % 清除环境 clear; clc; close all; % 用户输入 num1 = input('请输入第一个数字: '); num2 = input('请输入第二个数字: '); operation = input('请选择一个操作 (+, -,...
grid on% 显示网格。使用 grid off 关闭网格axis square% 使用相同长度的坐标轴线axis equal% 沿每个坐标轴使用相同的数据单位长度% 使用 subplot 创建多个图窗subplot(2,3,1);% 指定 2x3 个图表中的第 1 个plot(x1); title('First Plot')% 在这个位置绘制subplot(2,3,2);% 指定第 2 个plot(x2); ...
set(ans,'String','Values of X axis'); 1. 2. (7)XLim、YLim、ZLim属性: 取值都是具有2个元素的数值向量。3个属性分别定义个坐标轴的上下限。缺省为[0,1]。 (8)XScale、YScale、ZScale属性: 取值都是’linear’(缺省值)或’log’,这些属性定义个坐标轴的刻度类型 ...
imagesc() Y Axis Log Scale Not Working (Help!). Learn more about image; log scale; imagesc, image processing;
set(hbar,'parent',haxis); Q:Matlab 中如何作线性拟合/线性回归/多元线性回归? A:何作线性拟合是用 y=a*x+b 来拟合一组数据{{x1,y1},{x2,y2}…{xn,yn}},matlab 中使用 polyfit x=data(:,1); y=data(:,2); p=polyfit(x,y,1); ...
Figure 3presents an original grey-scale image and its contrast adjusted counterpart using the parameters specified in the previous example. Figure 3. Original image (left, 1296×1936 pixels) and contrast adjusted outcome (right). % Custom logarithmic transformation im_log=a*log(b+im); im_log=...