Sometimes MATLAB users need to scale the y-axis as a log scale keeping the x-axis as a linear scale while plotting a function or an expression. This can be obtained easily by using thesemilogy()function. Thesemilogy()function allows us to create two-dimensional plots of a function or expr...
Set or queryx-axis scale (linear or logarithmic) Since R2023b collapse all in page Syntax xscale(scale) xscale(ax,___) xs = xscale Description xscale(scale)sets the scale of thex-axis to be linear or logarithmic in the current axes. Specifyscaleas"linear"or"log". You can also omit ...
Set or queryz-axis scale (linear or logarithmic) Since R2023b collapse all in page Syntax zscale(scale) zscale(ax,___) zs = zscale Description zscale(scale)sets the scale of thez-axis to be linear or logarithmic in the current axes. Specifyscaleas"linear"or"log". You can also omit...
使用 grid off 关闭网格axis square% 使用相同长度的坐标轴线axis equal% 沿每个坐标轴使用相同的数据单位长度% 使用 subplot 创建多个图窗subplot(2,3,1);% 指定 2x3 个图表中的第 1 个plot(x1); title('First Plot')% 在这个位置绘制subplot(2,3,2);% 指定第 2 个plot(x2); title('Second Plot'...
loglog(X,Y) plots x- and y-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale on the x-axis and the y-axis. To plot a set of coordinates connected by line segments, specify X and Y as vectors of the same length. To plot multiple sets of coordinates on the same set of axes, specify at...
loglog(X,Y) plots x- and y-coordinates using a base-10 logarithmic scale on the x-axis and the y-axis. To plot a set of coordinates connected by line segments, specify X and Y as vectors of the same length. To plot multiple sets of coordinates on the same set of axes, specify at...
11、; % 海明窗计算 Wn=(3+5)/100; % 计算截止频率 b=fir1(N,Wn,wdham); H,w=freqz(b,1); db=20*log10(abs(H); % 画频响曲线 plot(w*fs/(2*pi),db);title( 幅度响应(单位: dB));grid axis(0 50 -100 10); xlabel(频率(单位:Hz)); ylabel(分贝) set(gca,XTickMode,manual,XTi...
matlab创建一个前向神经网络函数及训练误差曲线 使用numpy实现前馈神经网络,文章目录前言一.全连接神经网络1.1从单个感知机到神经网络1.2DNN的基本结构1.3前向传播算法1.4梯度下降算法1.5反向传播算法1.6激活函数1.relu函数2.sigmoid函数3.tanh函数4.softmax函数二.卷积神
XLim,YLim,ZLim属性:3种属性的取值粉笔都是具有两个元素的数值向量,分别定义各坐标轴的上下限,缺省值为[0,1],高层函数axis实际上是对这些属性的直接赋值 XScale,YScale,ZScale属性:定义各坐标轴的刻度类型,3种属性的取值分别为linear(缺省)或log View属性:定义视点方向,取值为两个元素的数值向量 ...