MATLAB Online에서 열기 Ran in: Starting in R2023b, you can change the scale of any axis after you create the plot by calling thexscale,yscale, orzscalefunction. For example, create a plot of two vectors x and y. Then set the scale of the y-axis to logarithmic. ...
图形完成后,我们可用axis([xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax])函数来调整图轴的范 围:axis([0, 6, -1.2, 1.2]);此外,MATLAB也可对图形加上各种注解与处理:xlabel('Input Value'); % x轴注解 ylabel('Function Value'); % y轴注解 title('Two Trigonometric Functions'); % 图形标题 legend('y...
semilogy(hcircuitPara,dataFormat)plots the data of the RFCKT or RF data object using a logarithmic scale for they-axis with the specified data format. semilogy(___,xAxisPara,xAxisFmt)plots the circuit parameterscircuitParausing a logarithmic scale for they-axis along with the variablesxAxisPar...
I want to get the values of the Y axis in logarithmic scale but I don't know how to do it. Thank you Graph 3 Graph 4 %Permitividad Parte Imaginaria Wp = 1; %Valor Correcto gamma = 1e-3; %Valor Correcto w1 = 0.1; %Valor Correcto w2 = 0.1; %Valor Correcto w3 = ...
Yes, you can set the x and y axis to a logarithmic scale in Matlab by using the loglog function. This function plots the x and y data on a log-log scale, which is useful for visualizing data that spans several orders of magnitude. ...
1、启动MATLAB,新建脚本(Ctrl+N),输入如下代码,生成标准正态分布函数的数据。 close all; clear all; clc x=-1:.1:1; norm=normpdf(x,0,1); 其中normpdf(x,0,1) 是生成平均值为0,标准差为1的标准正态分布数据,数据分布从-1到1。 2、保存和运行上述脚本,在工作区(Workspace)双击norm可以查看生成的...
下面,我们分别讲解下 semilogx及semilogy 的函数语法、实例讲解。当然,首先给出matlab中关于函数semilogx及函数semilogy的帮助文档如下: >> help semilogx semilogx Semi-log scale plot.semilogx(...) is the same asPLOT(...), exceptalogarithmic (base10) scale is used for the X-axis. ...
axis([0, 6, -1.2, 1.2]); 此外,MATLAB也可对图形加上各种注解与处理: xlabel('Input Value'); % x轴注解 ylabel('Function Value'); % y轴注解 title('Two Trigonometric Functions'); % 图形标题 legend('y = sin(x)','y = cos(x)'); % 图形注解 grid on; % 显示格线 我们可用subplot来...
axis([0, 6, -1.2, 1.2]); 此外,MATLAB也可对图形加上各种注解与处理: xlabel('Input Value'); % x轴注解 ylabel('Function Value'); % y轴注解 title('Two Trigonometric Functions'); %图形标题 legend('y = sin(x)','y = cos(x)'); %图形注解 grid on; %显示格线 我们可用subplot来同时...
In the figure window go to 'EDIT' -> 'Axis Properties'. From there the window should reopen with a bunch of new setting options. At the bottom is the options to axis values, scale, etc. 댓글 수: 1 Álvaro Sacristán Gonzalez2021년 12월 19일 ...