If maxval is NaN, meaning that sigma_b_squared is all NaN, % then return 0. maxval = max(sigma_b_squared); isfinite_maxval = isfinite(maxval); if isfinite_maxval idx = mean(find(sigma_b_squared == maxval)); % Normalize the threshold to the range [0, 1]. level = (idx - 1...
英语关键字是if、then、is、AND、OR和NOT。 例6-33 >>a = readfis('tipper'); >>ruleTxt = 'if service is poor then tip is generous'; >>a2 = parsrule(a,ruleTxt,'verbose'); >>showrule(a2) 结果为 ans = 1. If (service is poor) then (tip is generous) (1) 6.2.17 规则编辑器和...
if nargin < 3 error('Need at least three arguments'); return; end if mean([length(X),length(Y),length(Z)]) ~= length(X) error ('Imput vectors X, Y, Z are of different lengths'); return; end %-- Defaults C= ones(length(X),1)*[0 0 1]; S= 0.1*max([X;Y;Z])*ones(...
1. If (service is poor) or (food is rancid) then (tip is cheap) (1) >>showrule(a,2) ans = 2. If (service is good) then (tip is average) (1) >>showrule(a,[3 1],'symbolic') ans = 3. (service==excellent) | (food==delicious) => (tip=generous) (1) 1. (service==...
10、的设定 逐行执行命令:指MATLAB提供的运算指令或工具箱 提供的专用命令 控制循环 : 包含for,if then,switch,while等语句 逐行执行命令 end 绘图命令:将运算结果绘制出来 当然更复杂程序还需要调用子程序,或与simulink以及其他应用程序结合起来。,MATLAB的程序类型有三种,一种是在命令窗口下执行的脚本M文件;另外一...
(A > 5)). The logical indexing expression is faster for simple cases, but you might usefindif you need the index values for something else in the computation. For example, suppose you want to temporarily replace NaN values with zeros, perform some computation, and then put the NaN values...
Run the current line of code, and, if the line contains a call to another function, step into that function. F11 (Shift+Command+I on macOS systems) dbstep in Step Out After stepping in, run the rest of the called function, leave the called function, and then pause. Shift+F11 (Shift...
% Add a wrapper function to check for Inf/NaN/complex valuesif funValCheck % Add a wrapper function, CHECKFUN, to check for NaN/complex values without % having to change the calls that look like this: % f = funfcn(x,varargin{:}); % x is the first argument to CHECKFUN, then the ...
%% % First I collect all the time and temperature data into a single column % vector and remove |NaN| values. allTimes = segmentTimesShifted(:); allTemps = segmentTempsShifted(:); allTimes(isnan(allTemps)) = []; allTemps(isnan(allTemps)) = []; %% % Then I can fit a line to...
If you ever dealt with nestedfor- andifconstructs, then you probably noticed that it may sometimes be hard to distinguish those nested constructions from other code at first sight. Also, if the contents of a loop extend over more than just a few lines, a visual aid may be helpful for in...