nega = meanarray - disparray; %% Change NaN to Zero for Shaded Region function OutArray = NaN2zero(matrix) OutArray = matrix; OutArray(isnan(OutArray))=0; end y1 = NaN2zero(nega); y2 = NaN2zero(posi); %% Plot shaded area switch(orientation) case('vertical') hold on; pa = pa...
intersect函数取交集 1 帮助文档:intersect Set intersection. C = intersect(A,B) for vectors A and B, returns the values common to the two vectors with no repetitions. C will be sorted. C = intersect(A,B,'rows') for matrices A and B with the same number of columns, ...
rtrend = p.Results.rtrend; raw_data(isnan(raw_data)) = 0; % change NaN to 0 if rmean rmean_data = raw_data - mean(raw_data); else rmean_data = raw_data; end if rtrend rtrend_data = detrend(rmean_data); else rtrend_data = rmean_data; end if filtband filt_data = bp...
1 首先,你要知道什么是C均值聚类算法,就是那个公式,你最好要能推出来,其次,要明白matlab中自带FCM 的代码含义,在命令窗中输入 edit fcm; 会在M文件中打开,前面是注释function [center, U, obj_fcn] = fcm(data, cluster_n, options)%FCM Data set clustering using fuzzy c-means clustering.%% [CE...
theta,LL] = switch_dyn(y,M,p,r); %@@@ More advanced example % Set the relative tolerance for convergence to 1e-6 (The EM will stop if % for 5 sucessive iterations, the relative change in log-likelihood is less % than 1e-6) and the maximum number of EM iterations to 500. Dis...
MATLAB Answers View All Star Strider Sindhu Karri Kye Taylor File Exchange View All Cody View All Blogs View All Lisa Harvey Sivylla Paraskevopoulou Guy Rouleau Select a Web Site Choose a web site to get translated content where available and see local events and offers. Based on your locatio...
cdChange current folder dir, lsList folder contents typeDisplay contents of file whatList MATLAB files in folder pathView or change search path whichLocate functions and files Command HistoryclcClear Command Window diarySave Command Window text to file ...
Disabled expensive diagnostics that check for solver data inconsistency, division by singular matrix, Inf or NaN block output, simulation range checking, and array bounds exceeded Replaced Interpreted MATLAB Function blocks with MATLAB functions (This change has the greatest single effect.) Enabled the ...
16、find(1,difference)y = x(find(difference)count_nans = sum(isnan(x(:);count_infs = sum(isinf(x(:);Functions Commonly Used in VectorizingFunctions Commonly Used in VectorizingallTest to determine if all elements are nonzeroanyTest for any nonzeroscumsumFind cumulative sumdiffFind differe...
(显示大量的运算结果是很费时间的)保存脚本文件,文件名必须按Maltab变量名的规则进行命名,不可包含中文等字符,否则无法在Maltab中进行调用3、M脚本文件的运行路径(path)若M脚本文件不是保存在Matlab的当前工作目录下,则第一次运行文件时会出现上面的对话框,此时选择”change Directory”或“Add to Path”都可以。