我们可以通过importdata('data.txt')将数据文件data.txt导入数组A中。A=importdata('data.txt')然后通过命令 z=find(~isnan(A))将A数组中NaN所在的编号给找出来;B=A(z)就可以将A中所有的NaN值剔除掉了,如果希望得到非NaN值的编号,那么z就是了!如果只求将A中NaN值去掉,那么B=A(~isnan(A...
NAN=Not a number!而且|A|=0 ,表明A是奇异矩阵,A的逆矩阵不存在!A\b是承认A的逆矩阵存在的情况下才能使用的!所以当然解不出来。对于该题 R(A)=R(A,b)<n 方程应该有无穷多解
Matlab出现Warning: Log of zero;原因如下:说明abs(Comp_tsf)返回了0值。解决方法:请检查Comp_tsf的计算过程。
Try changing the first element in v2 from NaN to 0.5. >> v2(1) = 0.5 v2 = 0.5000 2.1328 3.6852 8.5389 10.1570 2.8739 4.4508 Now, try changing the value in the first row and last column of data to 0.5. >> data(1,end) = 0.5 data = 3.0000 0.5300 4.0753 0.5000 18.0000 1.7800 6.6678...
Takes any number of cell or double arrays and resizes them all to the same dimensions. Also serves to resize any array with removal of extra rows/columns and adding of NaN, 0, or empty string rows/columns. - NotMyMajor/MATLAB_samesize
1 NaN == NaN ans = 0 因为任何两个NaN都是不相等的,因此涉及NaN的逻辑运算都会返回false,除了~= Use the isnan function to detect NaNs in an array.isnan([1 1 NaN NaN])ans = 0 0 1 1 使用isnan来检测出数列中的NaN object(对象)指的class(类)的实例化.老实说我没用...
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校正R方:Adjusted R-square: NaN 均方根误差 RMSE: NaN 给你一些资料:SSE (趋向0最好)-- The sum of squares due to error. This statistic measures the deviation of the responses from the fitted values of the responses. A value closer to 0 indicates a better fit.R-square(趋向...