if ~all(size(y)==size(f)); error 'Y and F must be the same size'; end % Check for NaN tmp = ~or(isnan(y),isnan(f)); y = y(tmp); f = f(tmp); if c; r2 = max(0,1 - sum((y(:)-f(:)).^2)/sum((y(:)-mean(y(:))).^2)); else r2 = 1 - sum((y(:...
% Compare inputs if ~all(size(y)==size(f)); error 'Y and F must be the same size'; end % Check for NaN tmp = ~or(isnan(y),isnan(f)); y = y(tmp); f = f(tmp); if c; r2 = max(0,1 - sum((y(:)-f(:)).^2)/sum((y(:)-mean(y(:))).^2)); else r2 =...
function STATM = statistic(obs,sim) %%% Check size: if length(obs) ~= length(sim) error('obs and sim must be of same length'); end %%% Check NaNs: iok = find(isnan(obs)==0 & isnan(sim)==0); if length(iok) ~= length(obs) warning('Found NaNs in inputs, removed them t...
% CHECKFUN checks for complex or NaN results from userfcn.f = userfcn(x,varargin{:});% Note: we do not check for Inf as FMINSEARCH handles it naturally.if isnan(f) error('MATLAB:fminsearch:checkfun:NaNFval', ... 'User function ''%s'' returned NaN when evaluated;\n FMINSEARCH c...
By default,MATLAB Functionblocks do not include the%#codegendirective, but check for errors as if it is included. Adding the%#codegendirective to aMATLAB Functionblock does not affect error checking. For more information seeCompilation Directive %#codegen. ...
FunValCheck函数值检查 检查函数值是否有效。’on’ 在函数返回值为complex、Inf或NaN时显示错误。默认 ‘off’ 不显示错误。 MaxFunctionEvaluations 函数评价最大值 允许的函数计算的最大数,是一个正整数,默认值是100*numberOfVariables。 对于optimset,名字是MaxFunEvals。
(1)Check if it is the end of file: (2)04asciiData.txt 示例代码: fid = fopen('asciiData.txt','r'); i = 1; while ~feof(fid) name(i,:) = fscanf(fid,'%5c',1); year(i) = fscanf(fid,'%d',1); no1(i) = fscanf(fid,'%d',1); no2(i) = fscanf(fid,'%d',1); no3...
By default,MATLAB Functionblocks do not include the%#codegendirective, but check for errors as if it is included. Adding the%#codegendirective to aMATLAB Functionblock does not affect error checking. For more information seeCompilation Directive %#codegen. ...
FunValCheck:检查目标函数值是否有效。设为‘on’,当函数返回值为复数、inf或NaN将返回一个错误,设为‘off’将不显示错误。Jacobian:设为‘ON’,fsolve将使用用户定义的Jacobian或Jacobian信息来估值目标函数,若设为‘off’,则使用有限差分逼近Jacobian。MaxFunEvals:最大允许估值次数 MaxIter:最大...
Simulink软件不允许你设置这个块的初始条件INF或NaN。治疗增益线性时在Simulink软件的线性命令把此块作为一个增益状态空间。选中此复选框导致线性命 令 31、处理增益为1,否则,命令把收益为0。外部机械转矩如果该参数被选中,出现一个S输入名为TM上街区,允许使用外部信号发生器输入机械转矩。这种外部的扭矩必须在普基于...